Nathan Quattrini
June 11th, 2007, 08:21 AM
When you export 16:9 footage for a regular tv, it has black bars at the top and which safe zone should I follow for the edges of the screen? The 'Action Safe' or the 'Title Safe' margins? The top and bottom are fully visible yes?
Ervin Farkas
June 11th, 2007, 11:16 AM
I import my 16x9 footage into a new 4x3 project, go to "interpret footage" and change pixel aspect ratio so the footage shows up correctly, not distorted in the preview window. And now I can use the built-in safe zones.
Don Blish
June 11th, 2007, 02:45 PM
Heresy: I find that with an HDMI connection, both DVD and Blu-Ray projects are pixel perfect and crop nothing from the sides. My older component HD set crops just a bit left and right. Those "safe" zones will soon only apply to analog TVs that are recycle fodder!