View Full Version : Question about the manual exposure

Menad Kesraoui
June 9th, 2007, 09:59 AM
Hi, I recently had the chance to use the HV20 for a couple of minutes, and when exploring the menus, I was able to use the Av or Tv mode, but I didn't find a ''full manual'' mode where I could set both time and aperture value. Is there really no full manual mode or did I missed it while exploring the menus?

Wes Vasher
June 9th, 2007, 10:02 AM
Set shutter using TV mode and you can then control the aperture using Exposure.

Peter J Alessandria
June 9th, 2007, 07:09 PM
Set shutter using TV mode and you can then control the aperture using Exposure.

And vice versa (set apeture using Av mode and you can then control the shutter using Exposure) (though note you may also get some gain or ND action in both Av & Tv mode depending where you are overall on the EV spectrum.)