View Full Version : My 2nd music video with HD110e

Neil Rostance
June 9th, 2007, 08:34 AM
I made the latest video for UK Indie-disco outfit "The KBC" which was made with not a single bit of currency and just beg borrowing and stealing.

But i think the end product isn't half bad,

HD110e Standard Fujinon Lens
HDV720P (with some 50p there for good measure)
Cut with FCP

Any comments would be great! The camera had so many faults i had to send it back to JVC, so there's some contrast issues here and there.

Hope you enjoy!


Joseph A. Benoit
June 9th, 2007, 08:44 AM
What are the camera faults?
your video was very good.
love the b/w effect

Neil Rostance
June 9th, 2007, 09:02 AM
Thanks Joe, glad you liked it.

The were a few faults, which is frustrating because the video could have been a lot stronger.

I would record HDV 50p and on playback the footage would be bright fluorescent green. As far as i know this is a rare fault though. Other faults were backfocus issues and continuously having to re-adjust the back-focus on set, which was very strange. and the ever annoying dropouts when pairing up with FCP.

But at the end of the day we all had fun, and that's the main thing.