Allan Shook
June 8th, 2007, 03:28 PM
I'm going to be shooting some video for a flash animation, a talking head in front of several different backgrounds, using a GL2 and editing on Premire Pro. I havn't used the Premiere chroma key yet, does anyone have advice about what works and what doesn't?
Gareth Watkins
June 8th, 2007, 03:52 PM
Hi there
Premiere Pro 2.0 is better in Green screen than the Pro (7.0) version...
But if you really want the best keyer.. use the Keylight plug-in for Adobe After Effects 7.0. It is brilliant!!.
I've found the keys better in HDV (keyed then down rez'ed) than straight SD, but depends what you shoot...
I've used a green backdrop lit by two Tota's... I then use my usual three point lights on the subject and it keys very well...
Important points are:
Evenly lit backdrop...
Avoid shadows
Backlight subject
I've not used Blue as its not widely considered the best colour for video...too much blue in every day objects, clothes etc I suppose... but a nice green background is fine...
Check around Google for the numerous video tutorials...
this is my latest effort:
Shot in HDV on a Sony Z1, Keyed in After Effects.. then down converted in Virtualdub before wmv compression in PPro 2.0.
Ivan Barbarich
June 8th, 2007, 11:47 PM
I agree completely with Gareth, I tried to key in Premiere and its not very good, After effects IS brilliant!
I wanted to add..If you go to "youtube" and type in "greenscreen" there are heaps of tutorials explaining exactly what to do on the cheap..I have purchased 5 dual work lights on stands @ 1000 watts halogen $20 each. The light is yellowy orange, but use a white sheet of paper and do a white ballance with camera and it comes out spot on.
I can post some clips of results if you like.
PS: my camera is a Canon XH-A1.