View Full Version : General DV Tutorials/Info

February 15th, 2002, 09:47 AM
Been trying to find some good sites for general DV Tutorials/Info. Like maybe some tips and tricks for digital filming...some tips on special effects, general info on transfering video to and from Camcorder to and from PC's, video editing, etc...

I'm also looking for a good website for accessories specifically for the Canon GL1.

Can anybody pass on some info to me?

Chris Hurd
February 15th, 2002, 12:43 PM
Start with my Resources page at, and the Resources page on my Son of Watchdog GL1 site (link from Hope this helps,

February 15th, 2002, 01:22 PM
thanks chris...

I have been browsing through those pages and have found a lot of useful information. I've got a bunch of plans up my sleve for the near future and just want to gather as much info as possible. The more the merrier.

Charlie Moody
February 9th, 2005, 10:38 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : Start with my Resources page at -->>>
Chris -

Is this page still around? I can't seem to find it.
(could be staring right at it, for all I know)

Rob Lohman
February 9th, 2005, 10:59 AM
Hello Charlie and welcome aboard!

It seems the GL2 resource section is down, however, the
general resource section is up:

Charlie Moody
February 9th, 2005, 11:23 AM
Hi, Rob - thanks!

There really is such a wealth of info here, it's hard to get a grip on it all.

Are there any specialised resources for absolute beginners like me, who don't know how to divide up DV equipment offerings except by price, or who generally are ignorant of the 'general wisdom' baseline (like, what are the 5 'must-have' accessories (tripod, filters, recharger, ???).

Anyway, I'm glad I found this place, and hope to be able to contribute eventually!

[ edit - I had thought this was just a forum - how's *that* for a newbie error? ;) ]

Rob Lohman
February 10th, 2005, 04:27 AM
I know, it's hard to get started. Unfortunately I can't point you into
specifics. The best thing you can probably do is check out all the
pages on the site for the various cameras and associated articles
and monitor this forum. Your knowledge will increase steadily if
you keep monitoring the forums.

If some term or thing is unclear try the search on the forum (button
above to the right) with those terms/words. If still no go pick the
forum that most closely matches your question (check the
descriptions underneath the forum titles in the index!!!) and
create a thread with a title that covers your question.

That's the best I can offer!