View Full Version : "Native DV" editors

David Warrilow
May 13th, 2003, 08:26 PM

You look around these days and everyone is talking about thier NLE's being 'native' DV editors. In my understanding a 'Native DV' editor is one that works in YUV colourspace - and doesn't convert the DV signal to RGB (or render its effects as RGB etc) - therefore creating no extra degradation to the delicate 4:1:1/4:2:0 signal, right?

So far I've found only Canopus DVStorm - which is bundled with a card. So if my definition is correct - which of the software only NLE's out there is REALLY a 'native DV' editor?



Rob Lohman
May 14th, 2003, 01:55 AM
To my knowledge a native DV editor just knows about the DV
format and can read/write in it. Nothing more.

The colorspace in your DV is indeed YUV (highly compressed
though -> NTSC: 4:1:1, PAL: 4:2:0 and then the extra 5:1 DV
compression itself). I'm pretty sure that the YUV is at least
being converted to RGB for display on your screen. Whether or
not the internal functions in an NLE work with YUV is a different
question. If I remember correctly Adobe Premiere plugins have
an RGB space available and no YUV. So I think Premiere is native
RGB. For Vegas you could look into scripting to see what they
offer, this usually is a good clue as to how the program works

Jeff Donald
May 14th, 2003, 05:55 AM
Just for reference, Final Cut Pro has the option to render in either YUV or RGB.