View Full Version : Mixing material created by XL-H1 and F-350

Emanuel Altenburger
June 7th, 2007, 04:42 PM

just wanted to quickly share my thoughts about mixing material from Canon XL H1 HDV and XDCAM HD.

As mentioned by a fellow forum member in an earlier thread on this forum the Canon cameras to my eye seem to be not as sharp as the XDCAM. For that reason you would have to bring detail level down on the xdcam hd to mix it with the hdvīs. Colour matching in post was possible and not a problem at all. However, noise was an issue and the XDCAM HD is far less noisy than the XL H1 to my eye. Also, I had a few hot pixels on the XL H1īs. The black balance button seems to be well hidden on the XL H1. I just couldnīt find it and was wondering whether there actually was the possibility of black balancing on that camera. Havenīt had any hot pixel issues on my XDCAM since I started doing black balance more often:-)

Vincent Rozenberg
June 8th, 2007, 12:19 AM
Hi Emanuel. What I did, Prior to shooting, was matching the camera's via their presets. Both the XDCAM as the XL H1 have excellent control about whatever you want. So in post I had to do almost no color correction or whatsoever.

Emanuel Altenburger
June 8th, 2007, 02:38 AM

sure. Did the same prior to shoot but still had to correct a bit. The XDCAM had too much saturation or better...the XLH1 didnīt have enough saturation. Also the black levels were a bit different. But not a problem at all.

However, the hot pixel issue on the XL H1 worried me a bit concerning possible future shoots. Is there a way to black balance?

Hornady Setiawan
June 18th, 2007, 08:03 PM
Emanuel, best u ask the guys in XL-H1 forum about this.

We've been matching H1 n F350, in post, not in camera. Cameras using default cine preset (cine4 in F350, with lowsat cine matrix)

Yes, the H1 got lots of noise. We got rid of them in grading process using hardware noise reducer in Digital Magic HK.

Matched nicely. Of course, F350s depth, sharpness n lattitude is way better than H1. Yet ordinary viewers will not notice.