View Full Version : 24p pulldown removal in 16X9 SD?

Ron German
June 7th, 2007, 03:52 PM
I`m aware of the impossibilities of removing the pulldown in HDV 24p.
So the same happens with DV 24p 16X9 material shot with HV20 or softwares like Vegas7 are able to remove it in SD?
By the way, how is the video quality in 16X9 24p DV?
Thank you

Ian G. Thompson
June 7th, 2007, 05:01 PM
I`m aware of the impossibilities of removing the pulldown in HDV 24p.
This is not true. It is very possible to remove pulldown from the footage. You have many solutions. Do a search in this forum for Cineform, After Effects or HV20pulldown.exe just to name a few. The method should be the same for the DV footage from the HV20.

Ron German
June 7th, 2007, 07:12 PM
Thank you Ian
I knew about Cineform NEO but had to confirm that DV (SD) would present the same HDV challenges.
And about the video quality in 16X9 24p DV of HV20?

Ian G. Thompson
June 7th, 2007, 07:24 PM
Thank you Ian
I knew about Cineform NEO but had to confirm that DV (SD) would present the same HDV challenges.
And about the video quality in 16X9 24p DV of HV20?
RonYou're welcome. In regards to DV quality I believe it depends on how it is done. The best way would be to capture in with an HDV timeline in your NLE and then let your final output be DV. The look of the final DV (IMHO) is much better than shooting with any DV cam.

If you are asking about shooting in DV with the HV20 I don't think the quality will be as good as the above method. Also, I believe you can not shoot 24P while using the DV mode. So you have to use the HDV mode to get 24P.

Austin Meyers
June 7th, 2007, 07:58 PM
what's your final output going to be? dvd or are you going back to dv tape? if you aren't going back to tape (not sure why you would) i'd try to stay away from DV entirely. i personally edit everything as hd either in an intermediate codec or sometimes in HDV, although i'm about to try out the new ProRez422 codec tonight, and then output it directly for web or SD dvd. going straight from the hd to SD mpeg will save you considerable sharpness on the final project

here's a rez comparison between SD uncompressed and dv, just so you can see what you're losing, both of these were down rezed from hdv.

Thomas Smet
June 7th, 2007, 08:36 PM
I agree as well.

If you will eventually go to NTSC DVD then you should stay away from DV.

DV uses 4:1:1 color space while mpeg2 uses 4:2:0. When you encode NTSC DV as a DVD you really end up with something more like 4:1:0 color due to converting 4:1:1 color to 4:2:0 color.

By editing as HDV and down converting you can give the mpeg2 encoder a nice source that is close to 4:2:2 or in some cases 4:4:4. It isn't perfect of course since it is a interpolated down scale and pixels will not match up perfectly but visually it looks like 4:4:4 material.

This is one reason why DVD's created directly from HDV footage can look so good. Basically the compressed HDV becomes a close to uncompressed SD source. It isn't as perfect as uncompressed but it is pretty darn close and much closer then shooting in DV.

Peter J Alessandria
June 7th, 2007, 10:07 PM
I don't think you have much of a choice as there is no 24p in DV mode. Only 16X9 60i video.

So if you want DV 24p shoot 24p HDV and then downrez in your editing software after pulldown removal.