View Full Version : On-camera softbox

Ryan Humes
May 13th, 2003, 04:08 PM
Just purchased the Bescor MPL-645K On Camera Dimmer Light. 55AA5F1BA2

It is bit harsh and needs to be diffused to some extent, but looks to be a good light (battey belt is a beast though!)

I was planning on purchasing the light control kit that you can get for this light, but I had a question before I do this.

Does any have any suggestions for a Softbox that would fit over this little light?

There is a Chimera for the NRG Varalux/Varalight, any idea if it fits, or can be used?

Wayne Orr
May 13th, 2003, 06:40 PM
Before you spend big money for a Chimera, go to your local camera store and see if they have something for still cameras that may work. These are very popular with still cameras and they are a lot cheaper than the big ticket stuff.

Ken Tanaka
May 13th, 2003, 07:46 PM
Re: Wayne's suggestion, just be sure that it can take the heat of continuous lighting. Many good diffusers designed for still photography are designed for strobe work only.

Wayne Orr
May 13th, 2003, 08:42 PM
Good point, Ken. I should have asked what the wattage is of that light. (The link didn't seem to work.) I try not to use any kind of "big punch" light on my camera to avoid that "newscaster" look, but I know some people need that extra punch for their coverage. Thanks for keeping me honest.

Ken Tanaka
May 13th, 2003, 08:52 PM
That Bescor is 50w (12v) using a tungsten lamp, so it will get pretty hot. We just don't want Ryan to hear one of his subjects suddenly say, "Excuse me, but your camera's on fire, sir."

Wayne Orr
May 13th, 2003, 09:32 PM
Ken, you rascal. How about this,

Then, Ryan could switch off the Bescor, and the subject would be illuminated by the warm glow of Ryan's camera, which cast a filickering, yet diffused light on the subject, not at all unflattering. Unfortunately, remembering that fire caused by his burning camera was the wrong Kelvin temperature, Ryan did a manual white balance, and the effect was ruined.

Don Bloom
May 16th, 2003, 05:52 AM
I also use a 50w bescor. There are or at least were 20w bulbs available for this light. I haven't found them lately and even when I did use them they could still be a little strong, so with necessity being the mother of invention, I went to a local craft store, and found 8x10 sheets of a plastic material. 1 type is a frosted white and is heat proof the other is a sort of frosted clear material, thicker than the other but not heat proof. I cut the sheets into equal sizes to fit my light and sandwiched materials together. I made 2 different "softboxes" 1 with 3 pieces total, 1 with 2.
Even with the 50watt bulb in a very dark reception, the lighting was not objectionable. Granted the throw is very short compared to the unsoftened light, but so what. It works. I even made "wings" so I can use duct tape to tpae the diffusers to the light and not have light escape out the sides. BTW, when I tape the diffuser on I don't cover any of the vent holes. I've been using this system for a couple of years now and even though I have to make new ones every so often, it does seem to work out well.
The colors seems to remain true, although I know on the scope they're a little yellow. I can live with it and noone has said anything so far.
Sorry for the long post but I can't spend lots when a little will do the job at least for me.

Wayne Orr
May 16th, 2003, 08:35 AM
Good post Don. I was wondering if you ever tried to bounce the 50 watt light by mounting the unit backwards and rigging some sort of bounce card in front of the light? The 50 watt should provide plenty of light for bounce, and might give you a super soft look.

Don Bloom
May 16th, 2003, 09:50 AM
Hi Wayne,
Yeah I did, and I couldn't get the look I wanted. Especially after I had a senior moment and looked right into the eye of a lit up 50W on cam light! Yip, I did and I literally couldn't see for about 10 minutes. Boy was I feeling stupid. Oh well, I used to bounce strobes years and years ago when I did still work, but for some reason, bouncing this lite on the 150 just doesn't give me the zip I want. Not only to light the scene but also sometimes just to heighten the detail. I guess thats why I get besides myself sometimes when folks who do weddings don't use any kind of light. Now I understand that it's a personal choice and a preference but sometimes I use it just to give a little more detail to say the brides dress. Not to mention that outside it comes in real handy to soften the shadows, but that's my still photo experience showing. Side or backlight and fill the shadows.
Oh well, to each his/her own.

Peter Jefferson
May 22nd, 2003, 12:25 PM
"I guess thats why I get besides myself sometimes when folks who do weddings don't use any kind of light. "

oooooooooh yes, i have to agree on that...

the amazing ting is SOMEONE started this trend of "no lights required" and people are suckered in thinking their gettin a better deal and the footage is crud...
On top of that uneducated couples shy away when u say, we have a Lowel kit ready to roll when needed as well as sachter cam lights for roaming...
They freak...

Only coz they dont know any better...

In the end, as you said its all up personal taste, but sometimes it drives me insane...

there are some decent lightin kits available from retailers on ebay... for almost 1grand US, you can get a 5 lamp kit, chrominance brellas' stands and bags...

might be a bit much, but theres alot you can do with decent lighting...

Pete Wilie
March 10th, 2005, 10:28 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Ryan Humes : Just purchased the Bescor MPL-645K On Camera Dimmer Light.

Does any have any suggestions for a Softbox that would fit over this little light?


Did you ever find a softbox for this light? I'm interested in one also.

Pete Wilie
March 10th, 2005, 11:06 AM
Hey Ryan,

I also wanted to ask you, or anyone, how you like the Bescor 645?
Has it performed as advertised?
Have you had any problems with it?
Does the dimmer really maintain the color temp at 3200K?



Richard Veil
March 20th, 2005, 04:03 AM
The Chimera Micro is really nice with dedicated mounting equip and vibration washers ect. Right now all over the Mid East the ENG shooters use our stuff.
I would agree with my lighting shundee that there are many options available to explore depending on your use and situation.

I have a great off camera kit item 8000 just in case


Marco Leavitt
March 20th, 2005, 08:51 AM
I have the Chimera Micro and really like it. I believe it's the most diffusion you're going to get with an on-camera softbox. We leave the light (Frezzi) in the speed ring all the time. It actually packs better in the camera bag that way, and takes just seconds to install. We use it solely as a fill light, and I would never want to do without it on a shoot. I have to admit, it's kind of a gas owning a piece of equipment that says Chimera on it, and for under 200 bucks, why not?