View Full Version : Sopranos fans....Whatcha think?

Bob Thieda
June 4th, 2007, 06:34 AM
Only one more to go....I've sure been enjoying this last bit.

Bob T.

Frank Granovski
June 6th, 2007, 01:00 AM
So what happened? I stopped watching the show years ago.

Richard Zlamany
June 6th, 2007, 10:40 AM
The inevitable: Death to the Soprano Crew.

It has been foreshadowed since the first season. It's nice for it to come in on a long promise.

I like how I love and hate, plus despise, Tony. I want him to change his ways but I want him to pay for his ways.

I also enjoy the psychological aspects of Tony seeing a shrink and the relationship he has with her.

A lot has happened and I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

The bell tolls for Tony...

Jay Kavi
June 7th, 2007, 04:54 PM
Man, I just really started watching last season and some of the things in the last three episodes have been a jolt

I'm sure the regulars saw them coming though.

Kelly Goden
June 13th, 2007, 08:44 PM
I thought the last few episodes were riveting-I didnt expect the Christopher episode, or his son's change--the pool scene was a real stand out--and I wasnt a fan of Robert Iger's character but he really did a great job in that episode -but the finale...

if there are zero plans for a movie or a reunion show, then it was somewhat clever conclusion...maybe. in a twisted sort of way..but the story content seemed disjointed from the episodes that preceded it-especially what they did with the son. It seemed almost a parody. The Phil Leotardo plot was shut down rather quickly right as it was getting interesting(when the finale started I was totally on edge waiting to see what happened--but by the end it was "huh?)"

Richard Zlamany
June 14th, 2007, 02:52 PM
What do you think happened at the last moment in the last episode?

*********SPOILER!!!***********DO NOT READ BELOW*******

From the looks of the last frame of the episode, it looks like Tony got it. Meadow was coming in the door, as Tony looked up. Instead of seeing a smile to greet his daughter, we saw him reach down as if he was getting a gun. Then the screen went black and that is all the viewer knows. Makes me wonder...

Kelly Goden
June 14th, 2007, 09:12 PM
I think that.......


they were manipulating the audience with the activity in the place. Like the guy sitting at the bar who was looking rather interested in Tony--then he got up and went to the bathroom. And then the two black guys came in(I was thinking--maybe there is going to be a random hold up and Tony or someone gets caught in the middle?)

And the way they dragged out Meadow's parking--maybe it was to set her up?

But the thing is--it was unlikely something would happen to her--because it would seem too much like Godfather 3.
The same with him going into the Witness Protection program. Good Fellas.

I think they just left it ambiguous so you would be left with your own ideas about what happened next. It was a life goes on type of conclusion and a F* you at the same time.

I didnt get the impression he was going for a gun--though i would have to watch it again to see if I picked up anything. If he had been killed in a non Mob crime--that would have been something.
Actually I thought maybe he was going to be caught with some terrorism charge because of the absestos dumping.
Something weird and ironic.

now that its over I have to think what my favorite episodes were.
I cant remember the first and second season too well--but I liked the Robert Patrick-degenerate gambler storyline in particular.

The episode where Charles Dutton plays an honest cop and Tony gets his politician friend to have him fired was one I remember well, but I think my favorite was the last Ralphie Cifaretto episode where he and Tony are all buddy buddy one minute, then the conversation changes to the horse barn fire and..

I loved that show. When it was so-so, it was so-so. But when it was good--it was really good!

Richard Zlamany
June 15th, 2007, 01:10 AM
Those are some of my favorites too.

Glenn Davidson
June 16th, 2007, 09:15 PM
"Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on..."