View Full Version : Canon Console Software

Floris van Eck
June 3rd, 2007, 11:21 AM
Has anyone tried it yet? I download the demo and I must say I really like it. Although I think some controls should be a little bit less sensitive (zoom and focus for example) but otherwise it works like a steal. And the Waveform monitor really comes in handy. I am going to install it on my laptop later on and see how that turns out and functions. Especially for indoor shoots where time is not an issue, it will definitely improve the quality of the shoot if you can properly focus on a large monitor and set some settings through it.

A trial can be downloaded from the Canon website.

James Miller
June 3rd, 2007, 02:04 PM
Floris, I've tried in demo mode, it's great to colour correct and make presets etc.

But I don't like the delay with zoom/focus inherent with HDV over firewire. You can get round that if you are also hooked upto to a live monitor using comp or SDI.

I don't have the need for this but it was nice to try anyway.

Canon should bundle this product fully working for 60 day to get to grips with your new camera. If it was $200 I would snap it up.


Floris van Eck
June 3rd, 2007, 03:13 PM
That's right. The delay is not comfortable to work with. I also think it is too expensive for what it does. So at this moment I am not buying. I think I can invest that $600 better in a live monitor for focusing.