View Full Version : Heroes
Brandon Wong June 2nd, 2007, 07:02 PM Has anyone heard of the series, Heroes? Anybody a fan of the series? It comes on at NBC on mondays at 7. I've been watching Heroes on DVD for the past week, and I am just glued to the T.V..
Any opinions? Please share.
Steven Gotz June 2nd, 2007, 07:24 PM It is one of the shows that my wife and I both watch. I enjoy it. It should still be interesting next season.
In fact, the marathon was on and we have all 22 episodes on the DVR just in case we want to watch them before the next season starts. They are SD so they don't take up much drive space.
Bill Davis June 2nd, 2007, 11:35 PM It's the one show each week I've made an "event" to watch with my 14 year old son.
Fun for both of us.
I also have saved it via DVR, but in HD and that's caused me to have to buy a big eSata hard drive to archive the shows off the DVR.
Worth it, to. Nicely done show that appeals to all ages (tho the youngest kiddies might be disturbed by some of the content like the Syler psychic brain surgery stuff - so caution there..)
Gabriel Yeager June 3rd, 2007, 07:48 AM I absolutely love this show! Its in my top three...
I can't wait for season two!
PS: Hiro is awesome!
Brandon Wong June 3rd, 2007, 09:33 PM Heroes is an absolutely great show. I could watch the series the whole day! I think the movie is well put together, beautifully made, a great plot, and very thrilling. I really can't wait for the second season to start. There are things I can't help but wonder.
What is Hiro up to in the 16th century? Does anyone think he'll just teleport back to the present days? Or do y'all think Hiro would stay there?
There was a solar eclipse at the end of the last episode, do you think there could be heroes in the 16th century?
Sylar isn't dead, so who is he going after next?
What do you think Peter and Nathan's mother's power is?
What will happen to Nathan? (Guessing that Peter has the ability to regenerate, so I believe he'll be fine)
Please share your ideas and opinions, I'll definitely be interested to hear some.
Gabriel Yeager June 4th, 2007, 10:57 AM Good thoughts Brandon!
I think Nathan's mothers power is to manipulate peoples thoughts.. It seemed to make the most since as to why she was able to do so much.
Really good questions, I don't really have any thoughts on them other then the mother though... And that I think Hiro will stay in the 16th century for a little bit to learn from his "hero" that he always looked up to (can't remember his name).
Great stuff!
Brandon Wong June 4th, 2007, 04:58 PM Thank you for sharing, Gabriel! First, may I ask what you mean by the manipulation of people's thoughts, though? Do you mean manipulations such as mind tricks? Or kind of like Eden's ability of persuasion? Please explain to me, I am willing to listen. What if the next season, it turns out that Peter and Nathan's mother used to be like some badass. Perhaps maybe their dad has powers? I'm thinking they most likely do. We'll have to wait and find out what her powers truly are, but it will be a long wait.
I've been waiting for someone that would talk to me about this series. It seems like not a lot of people in my school know about Heroes. So please, feel free to express any opinions or ideas. I think they left us in a major cliff hanger. So right now, I'm anxious to find out what will happen in the next season. Until then, I'd like to share ideas with everyone in the forum.
Gabriel Yeager June 4th, 2007, 05:12 PM Ummm, thats a good question.. I was thinking along the lines of persuasion. It seems like she could say something and then people will give into it unwillingly. Like Clare, when Nathan's mother was trying to get her to go to paris. It seemed as if something fishy was going on there...
Yes, they did leave us with a big cliff hanger. I just hope that they do bring it back! Too many shows have been getting canceled lately, and I would hate to see this one go.
It is a very enjoyable show and I love to talk about it. Thank you for making this thread.
The next season needs to start now!!!! :D Its monday night and I need my Heros fix! hahaha.
Brandon Wong June 4th, 2007, 10:27 PM Yea, it was weird how she easily convinced Claire into going to Paris.. That's some really sharp observations! Haha. I do wish that the second season will start sooner. Well, the first season of Heroes had just ended, so what are we going to do at 7:00 every monday!? It just feels so empty without the series!
When I was thinking about the season finale, I thought, "Why couldn't Peter just fly away? Why did Nathan have to do it?" Maybe I missed something, but my friend had told me that he can only use one power at a time. If that's true, then that explains my small theory. Did they every mention about Peter only using one power at a time? Or do you believe that he could have flown away, too?
Also, please share your favorite hero if you can. I say if you can because it's hard for even me to choose. I, for some reason, love EVERY single one of the heroes in the series.
Dennis Stevens June 5th, 2007, 11:25 AM I'm on the Heroes bandwagon! For endless Heroes discussion, the website has all sorts of message boards where fans chat all the day long.
Yea, it was weird how she easily convinced Claire into going to Paris..
That's not a bad idea. Although I thought Claire initially agreed because she was so emotionally devastated by all that had happened, she just went along. Later, by the time she got to the airport, she had time to sort out her feelings, and go back.
I've read some speculation she has precognitive dreams, which Peter had in the beginning. We know he has the powers of whoever he's around, like flying from being around Nathan. So Peter's dreams were actually him absorbing his Mom's power. Then again, some people suggest the dreams were from Richard Roundtree's character.
When I was thinking about the season finale, I thought, "Why couldn't Peter just fly away? Why did Nathan have to do it?"
It seems his powers are connected to his feelings, possibly the emotions of the person he got them from. Maybe he was emotionally overwhelmed by the powers of hot-headed Ted (RadioacTed).
Or his power mimic abilities were overloaded by being near Sylar, who's got about 10 different powers of his own. With his adrenalin pumping from the superpower smackdown, he just couldn't deal.
Of course, storytelling-wise, it seemed like a plot device so Nathan could be redeemed at the end.
What is Hiro going to do??? I don't know, my pet theory is he sets into motion events that create the events of the first season. Maybe Hiro is his own ancestor he worshipped as a child. That means he married and had kids by his own great, great,great, etc, grandmother. Eww.
Maybe I think about this show too much.
Gabriel Yeager June 5th, 2007, 11:54 AM What is Hiro going to do??? I don't know, my pet theory is he sets into motion events that create the events of the first season. Maybe Hiro is his own ancestor he worshipped as a child. That means he married and had kids by his own great, great,great, etc, grandmother. Eww.
Maybe I think about this show too much.
Hahahahahahaha, Ok, now thats just wrong! hahaha! Yet in some way, possible. hahaha!
Yeah I think maybe that is over thinking, yet a good idea.. o_0
My favorite is Hiro, all the way!