View Full Version : HV20: LCD display choppy at 24p

Nathan Shane
June 1st, 2007, 09:09 PM
Okay, I was intending to get an HV20 tomorrow (Saturday) and decided to go to Fry's to take another long look and play around with the menu settings more. During this, I discovered that when the HV20 is set for 24p, the video showing in the LCD display appears choppy like stop animation. Saying this in an amusing way, it's like 24p = 24ms. pause between frame capture. LOL!!!

But seriously, is this the expected behavior of the camera's LCD when set for 24p?

Perhaps there were some other settings I overlooked, but when I switched the camera to regular HDV 1080i and SD Normal/Wide, the preview on the LCD was smooth, it only became choppy when set for 24p.

Okay...I need to elaborate on this. After I set the HV20 for 24p, I was doing a really slow pan (and I mean really slow) left/right/up/down while viewing the LCD, and that's when the choppiness was noticed. Now I didn't think to leave the camera stationary and point it at moving people, but I would assume that the LCD would display choppy regardless.

Jay Cowley
June 1st, 2007, 09:13 PM

Nathan Shane
June 1st, 2007, 09:22 PM
I had previously read through some of those posts and didn't quite make the connection...meaning that it would be viewable in the LCD.

Ajit Bikram
June 1st, 2007, 10:30 PM
Hi nathan,
As I told previously in the thread that Jay mentioned (also supported by some other more experienced people) that 24p would also look choppy in LCD if you dont go to Tv mode and set the shutter to 1/48 or 1/24 manually. (1/24 would also make the video a bit blurry)
And you do have to pan quite smoothly. I have found hv20 to be quite shake prone in hand.
If you want to try it out in a shop I think the best thing you can do is to go to 24p and also switch on cinemode (which as I understood tries to keep the shutter at 1/48)

Jay: Have you been able to shoot some smooth motion? please let me know.