View Full Version : VCR Playback Broken

Chris C. Collins
June 1st, 2007, 04:45 AM
So the other day I woke up to find that the footage I shot the night before doesn't playback on my camera. I thought it was the tape so I switched that out and still, I record anything with no problems and then when I go to VCR Playback and hit play, the time code goes to ------- like I didn't shoot anything at all.

Please help! Are my heads dirty or something!?

Richard Alvarez
June 1st, 2007, 07:48 AM

Your post is a little unclear. Does the tape play back on another camera or on another deck? You are CERTAIN that there is data on the tape, correct? You are certain that the playback function is not working, because the tape plays correctly in another camera or deck?

Jarrod Whaley
June 1st, 2007, 12:14 PM
Right. How can you be certain that you are recording with no problems if you can't play back what you think you've recorded. Maybe there's actually nothing on the tape for the camera to play back.

Definitely, definitely try to play one of these tapes on another camera or deck.

Chris C. Collins
June 1st, 2007, 01:08 PM
Right. How can you be certain that you are recording with no problems if you can't play back what you think you've recorded. Maybe there's actually nothing on the tape for the camera to play back.

Definitely, definitely try to play one of these tapes on another camera or deck.Ok, I'll do that and get back to ya. But I switched tapes, and even tried using a new tape as well.

I shot a quick 5 seconds on the new tape, then went to play it back and it was all corrupt and stuff...

Richard Alvarez
June 1st, 2007, 05:23 PM
"all corrupted and stuff"

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's technospeak for "Dirty Heads". Try running a tape head cleaner through the camera.

But better still, PLAY THE TAPES on another camera, to make sure something is going to them.

In video recording, "What you see is NOT necessarily what you get" There can be tracking and tape problems that do NOT show up in the viewfinder. God knows we've all suffered from that situation. It's really tough on a one-off professional shoot.

There is a practice in film work flow - 'Check the gate' - before moving on to the next shot. You remove the lens (Or look down the barrel) through the gate at the film in the camera and check for lint or hair or flakes or sthat might be visible on the emulsion. If you see something, then chances are, it will show up on the film.

In video, a simple 'replay' of the last few seconds of your shot will confirm it's on tape, and recording properly.