View Full Version : Vegas limiting how much you can speed up a clip

Corey Embring
May 31st, 2007, 01:10 PM
Has anybody else noticed that when you speed up a clip in Vegas 7 (by holding the CTRL key and shortening the clip) it has an absurd limit? This is quite ridiculous, I can't see why Sony would limit it... unless there is something enabled that is keeping it from being sped up more. I know I can use velocity to get past that, but it's too messy for what I'm working on right now.

I guess for now I'm just going to have to manually speed up the clips in virtualdub, but if anybody can help me, that'd be great.

Mike Kujbida
May 31st, 2007, 01:16 PM
This is Vegas so there's more than one way to get the desired result :-)

#1 - Ctrl + drag (or use a Velocity enevelope) = 300% increase
#2 - Right-click the clip, select Properties and change Playback to 4.0 = 400% increase.
Total increase so far = 1200%.

Need even more speed? Render to a new track and repeat as desired.

Peter Greis
May 31st, 2007, 01:23 PM
What I have done is to add a velocity envelope; maximize the velocity (which I believe is 300%); render the clip as an AVI and then apply the velocity envelope again.

I forgot about the playback rate property...thanks Mike

Corey Embring
May 31st, 2007, 02:14 PM
Okay, thanks for the replies, I'll just deal with using velocity, since playback also won't go past 4 (400%) once I've already sped the clip up with the CTRL key.

I've got another question though. Is there a way you can remove audio from a clip? Or at least separate it?

Edward Troxel
May 31st, 2007, 02:56 PM
Playback Rate and CTRL-Resizing is the same thing. When you CTRL-Resize, it is actually simply adjusting the Playback Rate.

To separate audio from video, select one (or both) and press "U" to ungroup them.

There's also a toolbar icon to "Ignore Event Grouping" which will let you treat them separately. And there's an option in the preferences to let them behave like they did in Vegas 6 and older (i.e. you could select one piece, press Delete, and only that one piece would be deleted instead of both).

Mike Kujbida
May 31st, 2007, 03:57 PM
Playback Rate and CTRL-Resizing is the same thing. When you CTRL-Resize, it is actually simply adjusting the Playback Rate.

Oops. My mistake :-(
Thanks for the correction Edward.