View Full Version : Cam doesn´t recognize my Anton Bauer batteries correctly

Emanuel Altenburger
May 31st, 2007, 11:12 AM

I have a small problem concerning my batteries. I´m using Anton Bauer batteries (Hytron 120´s and a Dionic 160) and my camera doesn´t really recognize the batteries. With my old DSR DVCAM the battery corresponded with the camera and I could actually see roughly how much battery was left. Now I get a "MAX" on the up-right corner and that was about it. When the battery´s getting empty I don´t get a proper warning whatsoever. I tried to fix that in the menu and selected "OTHER", as I couldn´t find a reference to Anton Bauer. On the DSR I could actually select Anton Bauer. Is there a similar setting on the 350 or what can I do else?

Thanks so much,

Alister Chapman
May 31st, 2007, 02:52 PM
Had the same issue with my Swit's. Went into the menu and tweaked the battery settings a little. You may find it helps to raise the warning voltages a bit, then you should get some warning before they go flat. Also raising the Batt End voltage a little will stop the camera from just cutting out when the battery goes flat.

Emanuel Altenburger
May 31st, 2007, 03:33 PM
Thanks Alister,

will definitely try that out. Just thought that there could be some sort of hidden menu or something:-) But I´ll do what you suggested.

Greg Boston
May 31st, 2007, 03:47 PM
Emanuel, I am running Anton Bauer and you can have a choice of showing voltage, or percent remaining (which starts out saying MAX). I'm not having any problem whatsoever but I do agree with Alister about raising the battery end voltage so that the camera can do a clean power down before the battery dies.


Emanuel Altenburger
June 1st, 2007, 02:27 AM
Problem fixed.
Thanks a lot for your replies! Thanks!