Ivan Castell
May 12th, 2003, 06:24 AM
I think is notpossible, but anyone knows if there's a way to shhot in progressive recording in a Sony PC-120? I know that upcomong models from Sony can do that in this range of product, but i think in my DVCam this can not be done :( I'm looking at it because i'm going to shot with this cam a short movie and i want to get this film look, without having to post-produce a lot and deal with interlaced artifacts :)
Any advice? Thanks
Adrian Douglas
May 12th, 2003, 07:17 AM
Unfortunately Sony's "progressive scan mode" is only 15fps. This is designed to reduce the bandwidth required to transfer footage for web delivery. I wouldn't use this for regular shooting as it will result in a very jerky image. As for your PC-120, I don't think it even has progressive shooting mode.
Ivan Castell
May 12th, 2003, 11:18 AM
I was looking into the cam manual but there's no such function. No progressive mode, i have a "progressive shutter system" wich i really don't understand what it is, but is not that anyway. I have a slow shutter option, but it's really too high. There's an option in digital effects that allows to change shutter speed but is not really well documented (it only display a bar, and you can go high or down in your settings, but actually you never see what shutter speed you're setting), but i think is the only way to shoot with a film look; If anyone have or know how to set up the Sony PC-120 to do that, and if it's what can make a film look, i'll be very happy :)
Anyway, in postproduction there's a way to convert interlaced material to progressive, that means showing 50 frames per second, 1 field after the other, maybe it helps the film look, but i've never tried, and i don't know if you can render it back to DV tape, beacuse DV codec i think don't allow a 50 fps DV clip.
Ivan Castell
May 13th, 2003, 11:40 AM
Ok, just tried the "Shutter speed" feature of the PC-120; It slow down shutter speed but you really don't know what shutter you're setting; It has 4 settings from 1 to 4, 4 being the slowest shutter; Anyone with the PC-120 know what shutter speed coresponds to the numbers? It is not specified in the manual. And is a digital effect, is really a slower shutter speed or just a fake one?
Ivan Castell
May 13th, 2003, 11:51 AM
Me again :)
Just find it.
Shutter 1 --> 1/30
Shutter 2 --> 1/15
Shutter 3 --> 1/8
Shutter 4 --> 1/4
WIcvh one you recomend me for film look? it's a PAL cam :)
Adrian Douglas
May 13th, 2003, 08:11 PM
1/30 might work ok, just as long as you don't have any fast movement as this will blur a little.