View Full Version : Connecting HDV camera to PDW-F70 deck

Joseph Anthony
May 31st, 2007, 06:04 AM

First I want to thank everyone here for sharing their contributions and assisting people (like me) who are new to this equipment and have questions. This forum is a wealth of knowledge.

I am trying to connect a JVC GY-HD100 HDV camera to the PDW-F70 XDCAM deck. I don't even know if this is possible, but it seems like it should work. The HD100 only has component and firewire outs. Since the F70 doesn't have component in, I'm trying to connect via firewire. Problem is... the deck doesn't seem to be seeing the camera when the two are connected via firewire. I have the deck set to AV/C mode (though I believe that is just used for output) and the camera set to "VTR" when rolling the tape but the deck doesn't see anything.

Anyone have experience with this or know what I might be doing wrong?


Joseph Anthony

Greg Boston
May 31st, 2007, 09:51 AM
Hi Joseph,

You'll need the optional HDV I/O board to do this.

PDBK102 MPEG-2 TS Input / Output Board for PDW-F70/F30 series XDCAM HD deck

That board will allow input and output of HDV MPEG2 transport streams via iLink (firewire).



Joseph Anthony
May 31st, 2007, 11:48 AM
Thanks Greg.

That makes sense. I forgot all about the optional board. One of the many reasons I love this forum.


Joseph Anthony

Harley Flanagan
June 7th, 2007, 11:13 AM
Thanks Greg.

That makes sense. I forgot all about the optional board. One of the many reasons I love this forum.


Joseph Anthony

The board works solid by the way. We make backups of all our XDCAM studio shoots back onto HDV from our F70

Joseph Anthony
June 12th, 2007, 12:14 PM
Thanks for the input, Harley. We're still trying to decide whether to go this route or find a workaround for now. All input is appreciated.