Alexandre Guinefort
May 30th, 2007, 06:51 AM
Hi, does anybody knows how to match
as close as possible those 2 cameras :
Xl1 / xlh1 /
i guess in the Xlh1 settings since xl1 hasn't any.
Big wedding comming here in France (both Pal cameras)
I think i'll save precious time on colorgrading
if i can find the right setting.
Shooting in SD.
Thanks a lot.
Andy Lunn
June 1st, 2007, 04:13 PM
yes mate, create a preset colour, put it on the memory card and insert in the second camera voila, exactly same recording mode!.
Daniel Epstein
June 2nd, 2007, 07:05 AM
Andy I think Alexandre is trying to use an XL1 and an XLH1 as the two cameras so your advice won't work. Of course maybe he will take the hint and try to get to of the same camera instead of two similar but different cameras.
The best way to try and match the two cameras is to set up a Test chart with the color temperature light you expect to use for the shoot, look at a waveform monitor and vector scope using the gray scale part of the chart and try and match the detail,pedestal, gamma,gains etc of the XL1 (which has fewer adjustments) in a custom preset for the XLH1. After you have matched the grays check colors on the chart to see if you want to play with the matrix at all. You will probably find the cameras perform quite differently in different kinds of light so you won't be able to make it perfect but you should be able to get their responses to at least be similar.
Alexandre Guinefort
June 3rd, 2007, 01:02 AM
Ok that's the best way / thanks
i'm trying to shoot live wedding with those 2 cameras
at the same time.
I'll do this / thanks a lot.