View Full Version : Weird colour banding!- GY-HD101

Peter Ford
May 30th, 2007, 05:43 AM
Would anyone be able to diagnose the following?

We were testing our GY on an ABC 100 camera crane the other day, and noticed strange colour banding. As you can see, from the following images, theres strange red to green horizontal bands. subtle, but they're there. The problem has remained since removing camera from the crane, and is most noticeable when over exposing, and least noticeable when under exposing the camera. Lens used is the standard fujinon affair that came with the 101

Banding remains regardless of white balance. I've loaded various scene files, and they also remain. The dont move, and are constant.

Initaially i suspected that the servo motor magnets from the crane might have interfered with the camera in some way? Even though i'd expect the motos on a camera crane to be sheilded.

The crane was plugged into the lens servo, to adjust zoom, so is it possible stray voltage could have entered the camera this way and done some damage?

Has anyone had a similar problem?

Any help would be much appreciated

Miltos Pilalitos
May 30th, 2007, 08:29 AM
Hi Peter,

From the frames you posted it is very difficult to diagnose a problem. Can you post some 720p frames?

The only thing i notice that might be an issue is a reddish to greenish gradient from top of the frame to bottom. Is that what you mean?

Gary Morris McBeath
May 30th, 2007, 08:40 AM

Do a search for "color banding" or "red gradient" on this forum. You'll find your answer there.

Basically, you can minimise the banding by not shooting wide open; stop down to at least f2.8, preferably f.4.


Drew Curran
May 30th, 2007, 09:49 AM
This seems to be a weakness with the stock lens and to a lesser extent the more expensive replacement lenses. The new HD200 series cameras aparently have a built-in feature to compensate for this.

Here is a recent thread here discussing this very issue:


Peter Ford
May 30th, 2007, 10:04 AM
thanks for the replys everyone

Strange- i've used this camera for ages, and i've never noticed it before. It does seem to be lateral chromatic abbervation though- it goes away when i close the iris up.

Hmmm- i might ring up jvc tommorow and see if they're engineers can 'tune' the camera to the lens or something