View Full Version : Music Vid

Mitch Fillion
May 29th, 2007, 08:39 PM
So I did this the day after I bought my XL2, about 5 months ago, I was completely foreign to film, I was however into still photography before, but just as a hobby.

In the last 5 months I've been studying up on the camera like crazy and I just got me an imac and final cut studio 2, so im stoked to do some actual good quality work.

But just for fun I thought I'd post the link for you guys. I didn't even know what custom presets were or do any colour correcting in post, I mean, anything you can tell me that's wrong with the video I pretty much know now haha. So it's not like I'm presenting this as a new piece of polished work. But nonetheless... it's pretty cool for not knowing the camera or being used to shooting with it yet.