View Full Version : Capture for a newbie
Elijah Lynn May 11th, 2003, 09:26 AM Hey everyone, I've been browsing this forum for a day and reading alot but am still unclear on a few things.
I have a Sony Trv17, I know it isn't the greatest but it is all I got. I have a firewire card and Adobe Premiere 6.5.
When I capture what is the best way to capture the file? I currently have just been able to do avi files that are around a gig a minute.
Now a gig a minute doesn't sound right to me. What I want is to get the footage in the best quality and then edit and output to a lesser format.
When you guys capture what do you do?
Also when I set up premiere i choose DV- NTSC Realtime preview - standard 32khz. Is this a good way to start.
Thanks for any info - Elijah
Akos Szemenyei May 11th, 2003, 10:07 AM You should use the any of the DV codec's with 48KHz, it captures at 3.5 MB/s, so 1min of footage should be around 210 MB. Also since your original footage is compressed 5:1 in the camera already, there is now point to capture at a higher rate. A different codec than DV would just recompress your whole movie and you would loose quality.
Elijah Lynn May 11th, 2003, 10:17 AM so which codec should i use? in the project settings under video it says "microsoft dv (ntsc)" is my compressor the only other option is "microsoft dv (pal)".
also on the bottom of that screen it says "recompress" should that be checked or unchecked.
Akos Szemenyei May 11th, 2003, 10:43 AM The thing is that I haven't used Premiere for over a year now, (I use FCP) and the one I have is v6.0, but the one in the project settings should be microsoft DV ntsc and leave the "recompress" unchecked. In order to choose how to capture your footage, start a new project and you will have all the presets in the left bar. (You cannot choose the presets within "project settings" from the pulldown menu as far as I know) When you start a new project, use the realtime DV ntsc 48KHz codec and it should work out.
Elijah Lynn May 11th, 2003, 10:57 AM ok, i guess i was wrong about a gig a minute, im getting about 3.5 meg/sec like you said using the microsoft dv codec. I just thought that was way too much. my 12.25 second file is 46,859 kb which is 224.134 megs/minute just like you said.
I tried doing a project setting at 32khz and one at 48khz
and did a clone capture using identical in/out points and the file size is exactley the same. and the capture with the 48khz in sound actually shows a 32khz clip.
Does that mean that premiere just had it set higher and was able to detect the actual sound and recorded the sound at 32khz??
I also unchecked the recompress box and the file size was the same.
man you sure need some disk space for this stuff!
Akos Szemenyei May 11th, 2003, 11:14 AM Yeah, it pretty much sounds like you recorded the sound at 32KHz, you can probably double check it in your cameras menu system. If that's the case, change it to 48KHz since it's better quality. Yeah video takes up a LOT of space. And this is only DV, if you go uncompressed it's 25MB/s, HD is way higher lol. I personally have a 120GB just for video. Welcome to the wonderful world of editing.
Elijah Lynn May 11th, 2003, 11:32 AM yah i just checked and it recorded in 12 bit mode, they said it was for two audio tracks. It don't say what hertz but it has a setting for 16 bit and i will use that from now on. However premier shows it as 32khz and 16 bit.
thanks for your help Akos
Akos Szemenyei May 11th, 2003, 09:39 PM Wierd, maybe that's a limitation of your camera? Otherwise it should be able to do 16bit, 48KHz.
Elijah Lynn May 12th, 2003, 09:42 AM no my camera says it will do 12 bit 32khz or 16 bit 48khz but when it captures the movie it says 16 bit 32khz . so really it was 12 bit but it just says it is also 16 bit.
dont ask me ;)