View Full Version : My rig is evolving.

Matthew Nayman
May 29th, 2007, 09:32 AM
I am not seeing many XHA1 and M2 rigs so i figured I would post my own.


Still looking for a follow focus.

Oren Arieli
May 29th, 2007, 10:21 AM
Hey, is that a video camera in there? I think I spotted it. Serious looking rig. Its only a matter of time before the camera CCD unit is sold separately (a-la 'red ')? Ideally, a mix-and-match modular approach where we can assemble the ideal camera for each situation. Are you listening SONY?

Drew Beach
May 29th, 2007, 10:54 AM
Now that's a rig. Give us the details on your set up.

Matthew Nayman
May 29th, 2007, 02:09 PM
Got the XHA1 hardmounted to the cam using a self-assembled unit (some polarizers and UV filter rings) The baseplate, matte box and hand grips are from Cavision, the rods are from Redrock (24" stainless) and sometimes use 13" carbon fibre from Cavision (unit, M2 and handgrips only for tight spaces).

The monitor is from Varizoom, the Canon variant of their SWIT series. Uses Canon batteries, has YUV component in, and shows 1440X480 lines, so focusing is pretty sharp.

I have the camera set up so my preset Zoom is perfectly alligned to my 35mm frame, and then I simply turn my focus ALL the way right (closest focus) and everything form the adapter is tack sharp. I actually had to space out the camera from the M2 a little more than with my XL2 to achieve close-focus, and my current set up is tack-sharp every time.

Jaron Berman
May 29th, 2007, 02:36 PM
Actually, imagers have been sold separately for a long time. HD imagers have been sold separately for over 8 years now. If you've ever seen a studio camera at a sporting event, it's just that - a sensor with a separate lens, monitor, power supply, and triax interface that feeds back to the "recorder" in the truck. On a smaller scale, they haven't flown off the shelf because it's not necessarily convenient to have a separate sensor/lens mount from the rest of the electronics and power supplies. In certain circumstances, it is indeed advantageous to be able to configure/reconfigure based on needs, but in others it's simply easier to use an all-in-one configuration. On its own, the XH-A1 is a great little camera that can do a whole lot. When attached to a 35mm adapter, accessories, etc... it's still more compact and convenient than a camera head, d2d recording system, battery system, etc... The thing that could put RED ahead is that they intend to integrate the whole system. All the pieces exist now and have existed (at some level of performance) for a long time. If they successfully mate everything, it will rise above the sum of its parts.

Oh, and Sony does make that part.

Back to the topic though - very nice implimentation of the Redrock system. You seem to have your kit well laid out for easy setup, which is often the deciding factor with adapters - if it can go on quickly and without fuss, it'll get used.

Now the REAL innovation - someone needs to hack the sony viewfinder protocol and provide a ready-for-market junction box to allow it to be used upright or flipped with any HDV/HD small camcorder. That would mean you don't need to add pro batteries just to make it balance on your shoulder. You could simply scoot the whole rig further back, and slide the viewfinder up over the C.G. of the whole thing. High rez VF with peaking makes handheld with a 35mm adapter a reality. MOVIETUBE did it, can't be TOO hard???

Mike Gorski
May 29th, 2007, 05:59 PM
How much did that monitor run you? Looks real good.

Matthew Nayman
May 29th, 2007, 07:54 PM
yeah, the SWIT is sweet. Almost as good as the Marshall,and cost about $1000 canadian.

Bogdan Tyburczy
May 29th, 2007, 10:29 PM
Still looking for a follow focus.

Cool rig - thanks for sharing the image Matt.

If I'm not mistaken, it's Redrock's Follow Focus ring there on your lens. Are you looking for some other FF?

Doug Davis
May 29th, 2007, 11:15 PM
Jeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz....... I am going to rob a bank tomorrow to get some rockin accessories... Ha.. J/k... Good set up... I was lookin at that monitor yesterday... What tripod head is that? Good luck with it? Good for the A1 with the weight of the M2 and all the add ons?

Maksim Yankovskiy
May 30th, 2007, 12:28 AM

Very nice looking rig.

How's the 516 head working out for you? Any reason for picking it up in favor of other (like 503 or 501HDV Manfrotto heads)?

Happy filming!

I am not seeing many XHA1 and M2 rigs so i figured I would post my own.


Still looking for a follow focus.

Kris Bird
May 30th, 2007, 07:55 AM
I'm considering the cavision rods and shoulder support, but I can't find many reviews of it other than a couple of people saying the shoulder support isn't fantastic ... how have you found it ?

Blake Calhoun
May 30th, 2007, 08:48 AM
Nice looking setup... what have you shot with it? :)

Doug Davis
May 30th, 2007, 09:52 AM
Nice looking setup... what have you shot with it? :)

Lol... Who cares what you have shot with something like that... What's really important is that it looks cool which is really the most important...

Functionality is a secondary goal to 'looking cool'.... : )

Bill Pryor
May 30th, 2007, 09:54 AM
Zacuto in Chicago makes a really nice set of support rods.

Nate Clarke
May 30th, 2007, 10:03 AM
Do you put spacers between your hardmount and the M2? I got a hard mount and without spacers I found that the camera lens was just too close to the M2 to get a good focus. I have been wondering about what spacers to buy. I have heard that the microX (which has a flip in it) will also act as the achromat and the hardmount so maybe this is moot question.

Massimiliano Minoia
May 31st, 2007, 03:55 PM
Hi Matthew! I have the same camera, monitor and a Cavision rails system,I would like to know the part model number of the Cavision plate on the tripod head plate and how you are connected the Noga Monitor Arm to the rails,
thank you

Henry Cho
June 1st, 2007, 06:26 AM
matthew... sweet setup!

i would second bill's recommendation for zacuto support products. i like the fact that their rods are expandable (screw into each other) -- makes for easy transport, and you don't need to carry around 5 sets of rods at different lengths. their z-mount is awesome for mounting an lcd, like the swit or marshall, to the rods -- very strong and stable, and no slipping, you also gain the benefit of the z-mount quick release, for quick attaching/detaching of the articulating arm.

Jason Michael Holly
June 1st, 2007, 11:45 AM
Hey Matthew,

Great setup, I just ordered an M2 and rods for my XL2s/XH-A1 - looks great!

Now, where's some footage from this beast?

Terry Lee
June 4th, 2007, 05:41 PM
What do you do about external recording? I've learned that the XH A1 doesn't have anyway to take the timecode out of the camera. I'm curious what you do as an alternative.


William Becker
June 5th, 2007, 01:50 AM
I was going to order the rods today. What part do I need to make sure it fits on my 501 head with quick release plate?

Thanks much

Matthew Nayman
June 5th, 2007, 05:08 PM
hey guys, sorry, was away!

Lots of questions! AHHH!


Cavision is awsome.
I want a follow focus, but all so expensive for a freaking gearbox! (Will by RR soon)
I have a few UV filters and a 72-82--82-72 set-up so I can space it perfectly, and use on an HVX if I have to. I have mine set up so I zoom to a preset (75) and then focus all the way right (1.3 feet) and it is tack sharp. Took some time to get it perfect, due to the A1's weak Macro photography.

The Micro flip unit should solve it cause them mirrors eat up a lot of space.

Unfortunatly, my Rigt is imposible to duplicate perfectly now cause Cavision doesn't make this plate anymore. It was designed for th XL2 anyway :P

It's my own home-made hardmount kit, had it before RR released one (followed some tutorials). I have shot a short with it recently and it looks killer! Just trying to get it up online in a decent format.

More to come.
