Voitek Nosovski
May 27th, 2007, 12:16 PM
I have a question about editing music video in vegas. Im trying to learn on 4 long clips in each the vocalist is lipsynching entrite song. I made markers in trimmer by hitting M on every kick in all 4 clips. I have all those clips in timeline in their entirety synchronized with music track. Now i would like to be able to get Vegas to cut all those markers in small, seperate events so i can adjust starting and end points or even delete whole blocks. This way i could easily choose with take was the best for each and every line in a song etc. I tried it with subclips but it doesnt work like i thought.
I hope you guys understand what im trying to achieve, please let me know how i can do that if its doable in Vegas.
Alastair Brown
May 27th, 2007, 01:02 PM
Ultimate S 3 may be what you are looking for:-
You simply put your four tracks in then setup Ultimate S's Quad Cam and then you can switch between all four cams which are then shown in the preview window. You get a alittle tally light to show you which track is currently active.
After you have finished, you then process the tracks and Ultimate S build you a master track with only the cuts you want with pre determind crossfade length.
Voitek Nosovski
May 27th, 2007, 01:07 PM
yeah but its 170$ - im looking for a solution using vegas 7.0 only but thanks anyway.
any other ideas?
Don Bloom
May 27th, 2007, 01:47 PM
Honestly your only options are either Ultimate S, Excalibur OR find a script that will batch cut. Of course you would still nedd to move the clips to a master track yourself Etc, so this is where a pluging like Excalibur or Utimatte S shines.
Excalibur has a demo that you might want to try out.
Search for Edward Troxel and there is a link in his signature.
Kris Bird
May 28th, 2007, 05:14 AM
I highly recommend that you use "mute" envelopes ... add a mute envelope to each track, keying it to "muted" will let it bleed through to the track below. You can drag the key frames to alter the transition point easily.
You can also turn on automation ... then press "Play" .. as you toggle "mute" it will record/save your cuts, like live switching.
Mike Kujbida
May 28th, 2007, 09:07 AM
Since you don't want to spend the money on Excalibur or Ultimate S, the only other way to do will be painfully slow.
Edward Troxel talks about it in Editing Multi-Cam Events in Vol. 1, Issue 9 (http://www.jetdv.com/vegas/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17) of his newsletters.
In a nutshell, place each clip on it's own track.
Use Track Motion to shrink them down to 1/4 screen size and place them appropriately.
Create a new master video track on top of everything else.
Start splitting clips where you placed your markers and move the desired video event only to the top track.
Use the 2 and 8 keys (2=move event down and 8=move event up) on the numeric keypad for this.
This makes moving events much easier.
They won't drift left or right this way either.