View Full Version : Doctor Who
Paul Jefferies May 27th, 2007, 07:36 AM Although I've found the current series quite weak, (is it called series 3?) the episode which aired last night in the UK (called Human Nature) was very strong, a proper "Who" episode, looks like they finally got the balance right with this one...
Frank Granovski May 27th, 2007, 05:14 PM These new ones won't be showing on CBC until the fall. How is the new side-kick compared with Rose?
Paul Jefferies May 28th, 2007, 06:07 AM She's good, but not as good as Rose, in my opinion. Possibly because she hasn't been given a really good script to get her teeth into
Frank Granovski May 28th, 2007, 11:46 PM Thanks. The last episode on CBC was when the Doctor discovers the new girl in the "police box."
Re: "Although I've found the current series quite weak...."
So it got lame, eh? No monsters? :-)
Frank Granovski June 3rd, 2007, 05:37 AM June 18 is when Doctor Who starts again on CBC:
I guess the Hockey screwed up the programming.
Peter Wiley June 3rd, 2007, 03:41 PM I really tried to like the new Dr. Who which we see in the US on the SciFi channel on cable. I liked the old Dr. Who that was a staple of late night Public TV in the states for a long time. The production values left much to desired but the stories were clever: the humor tongue-in-cheek without being too self conscious, the drama actually thought provoking.
In my view, the troubles with the new Dr. Who are that it is too self-conscious, ponderously working in every villian and creature from the old stories in "new and improved" versions, and that they've substituted FX for solidly clever writing. Billy Piper is charming and made the show work to the extent that it did.
Even with Piper it just got boring after a few episodes; danger effect---run/chase---joke over and over ad nauseum without a lot of dramatic action arising from the characters. I don't think season 3 has run on SciFi yet.
Frank Granovski June 3rd, 2007, 05:38 PM When the topic of Dr Who comes up, my wife says, "Hi, I'm the Dr. Run for your life!" Then she follows with giggles and laughter.
Jason Lowe June 3rd, 2007, 09:14 PM I heard it was getting cancelled again after the third season. Guess the Doctor caught the Firefly/BSG bug.
Frank Granovski June 3rd, 2007, 10:36 PM It's getting cancelled??? Well, I hope they bring back Star Trek! (Deep Space 9 part 11)
Jonathan Lee June 4th, 2007, 05:04 PM Not really a fan of this incarnation (more of a Jon Pertwee era) but what really surprised me was the decision to shoot all the series on Digital Betacam rather than future proof such a major series in HD.
Sean Skube June 5th, 2007, 09:46 AM I never watched the old Doctor Who, so this one has been a lot of fun. I thought the one with the gas mask ghost, where Captain Jack first appeared was creepy and fun.
Frank Granovski June 5th, 2007, 10:19 PM The first Dr Who was really creepy. It's too bad that the BBC lost a bunch of the episodes. The ones I recall most creepy were a creature pulls in one of the good looking nuke survivors and a Delek is revealed and pulled out of its robot shell.
Paul Jefferies June 13th, 2007, 03:38 PM Just to report that the last three episodes have been very good - the double episode set just before world war 1 and the "Blink" episode with the statues, and in all three episodes there was hardly any unnecesary running about and shouting, and someone had told the composer that he doesn't need to score every second of the programme (sorry, but those are my two pet hates about this series)
Alex Hunter June 21st, 2007, 04:13 AM I've been a Dr Who watcher since the Tom Baker era (hiding behind the sofa when his face appeared in the title sequence). I've personally found Season 3 stronger than Season 2. For me there have been no duff episodes, where as in the previous 2 seasons there were 2-3 episodes which I thought were rubbish, amongst some strong episodes. The 2nd half of this season has been excellent so far with superb episodes such as Blink and Human Nature.
I wasn't sure about Martha to begin with, but her character has grown and developed overtime and I think I prefer her to Rose now.
Also, Dr Who is not getting canceled. At least, not while it is still one of the highest rating shows the BBC have.
Frank Granovski July 16th, 2007, 04:16 AM So far it's been okay, but not great. The black chick is pretty good though the Doctor could be better. Not that I don't like him but he comes across like a weasel in need of acting lessons from the smoking man.
Steven Gotz July 16th, 2007, 09:51 AM Here in the States we have only had two episodes with Martha so far. I like her. She is more attractive than Rose in some ways, and she is a LOT more intelligent, if not more emotionally aware. I think she will be able to give the Doctor a run for his money.
Frank Granovski July 17th, 2007, 03:34 AM I watched the 3rd one tonight. It's a 2-parter I guess. Part 2 will be aired next Monday on CBC. In this episode, Martha has become somewhat of a ditz.