View Full Version : XL2 Cheat Sheet?
Vishad Dewan May 23rd, 2007, 09:18 PM Ahhhhh!!! There has GOT to be an XL2 cheat sheet somewhere on the market, right?? The Canon DSLR's have cheat sheets, so why don't the prosumer camcorders? There's a company called Photobert that specializes in making these quick guides for digital cameras...does anyone know of a similar product for the XL2?
I've searched Google but to no avail. I would kiss your dirty shoes and wash your dog if you could please suggest a cheat sheet.
Richard Alvarez May 23rd, 2007, 10:38 PM A cheat sheet... hmm, some way to like, cut corners and get up and running really fast? Is that what you mean?
Like the green AUTOMATIC setting on the mode dial?
Sorry, just having fun.
No, don't know of a 'quick start' guide, just the manual. And it's not that long really, it's just thick because it has all the different languages bound together.
Chris Hurd May 23rd, 2007, 11:13 PM What should be on it?
Vishad Dewan May 24th, 2007, 01:44 AM Like the different settings and how to navigate through the menus and how to operate the the different thingies on the doohicky. Take a look at the Photobert cheat sheets. You'll understand what I mean.
Mark Bournes May 24th, 2007, 05:57 AM A cheat sheet would be really tough, The xl-2 is specifically designed to give you many options and settings as a camera op, to get the image just the way you want it. I know I had to really take some time and "test" different setttings to get the "look" I wanted. There are so many features and settings, I think you would have to be more specific on the look you wanted and in what mode you we're shooting. Ie, 60i, 24p, 30p and so on. I guess you could just shoot full auto out of the box, but to achieve a certain look you're going to have to be more specific, then maybe we can help you achieve the look you want.
Richard Alvarez May 24th, 2007, 08:19 AM I think it's an 'apples to oranges' comparison, asking for a cheat sheet for a video camera that is similar to ones for still cameras.
The 'output' of a still camera is a single static shot, whereas the output of a video camera is a recording of a time based linnear sequence... and as such the process of aquiring that output is by nature, a dynamic process.
In other words, read the manual.
Ryan Mueller May 24th, 2007, 09:58 AM I do agree with Richard, reading the manual is your best bet. The XL2 can seem a little intimidating at first. This is why you need to go out and play around with all the settings. It is going to take a while to get the camera down, but once you do become familiar with all the possibilities that this camera provides, you will be very pleased.
This is not a camera that is meant for point and shoot type applications. Canon primarily designed this camera for independant digital filmmakers, and they did a very good job at it. After working with this camera, you should be able to pick up just about any dv camera and be able to figure it out very quickly.
You may also want to check out the XL2 feature tour, if you haven't already. It has helped me tremendously!
"Patience is a virtue" and it pays off!
Vishad Dewan May 24th, 2007, 11:10 AM Yeah, you're right, everyone. I just HATE reading manuals. They're boring. Bah! Why can't manufacturers make interesting, colorful, humorous yet informative manuals, especially when you're paying many thousands of dollars for their product? It is draconian!
Jonathan Kirsch May 24th, 2007, 02:28 PM (**Soapbox/snobby alert**) As far as a "cheat sheet", if you're calling a feature on the camera a "doohickey", I don't think you deserve to:
A: Call yourself as a videographer
2: Own/use the XL2, or any camera for that matter
(Boy, I'm going to get some hate mail...oh well)
I think there's too many people out there with "cameras" who think they know what it takes to shoot video or film (which I understand is a whole other ballgame). This is an art...something, in a perfect world, only those who are serious about what they do should perform. I have no problem with people wanting to learn...I had to learn at some point and ask for help. I still do. I guess I'm just saying that if you really want to learn (and look professional), don't go around calling something a "doohickey". You're just not going to get any respect and you're going to look like an idiot. The manuals are they way they are becuase they're geared toward people who know what the hell they're doing. I'm not the best videographer in the world, nor do I claim to know everything there is about the camera and how to shoot. It's like getting a car and not knowing how to drive. Sure, ya gotta start somewhere, but that's what the manuals and research are for. Nothing is easy. Just my $.02 (**Getting of soapbox now**)
That said, if you don't want to READ a manual, why not WATCH a manual with's XL2 demo video (and no, I don't work for
Watch it and download it here (
Mike Andrade May 24th, 2007, 02:50 PM Well said Jon. It took me 6 months of daily experimenting with this camera to get it to do what I want and find my desired looks in all the respective shooting modes. My advise is that you by a case of tapes and shoot the hell out of it. There are no training wheels for this camera or any other in its class. It will do what you want it to once you have invested hours of time in it. You'll cheat yourself if you try to find a work around for this camera.
Jonathan Kirsch May 24th, 2007, 02:54 PM Right, Mike. I agree that experimentation is a great way to learn. For someone like me who doesn't have a lot of money (I don't own my's my work's camera) I'd buy a cheaper, lower-end camera to practice with. Save some money. Get to know how things work, so that when you get a camera like the XL2 (or DVX-100, HVX-200, GL-1, etc.), you know how different features affect your final product.
Again, nothing comes easy.
Ian Stark May 25th, 2007, 01:23 PM Well I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I think the idea of a handy function reference card is a GOOD idea!
I don't think Vishad is asking for a 'how do I make good video' cheat sheet - just a concise 'which menu do I open to find x feature'.
I have owned (and used almost daily) an XL2 for about 9 months. I am certainly NOT snobby enough to claim that I am an expert or that I have learned every feature of this camera. But I AM a professional videographer with a substantial body of well received work under my belt and a client list that keeps me very busy. In fact I have more work than I can cope with at the moment and I don't have the luxury of being able to experiment at will!
A simple reference card would have saved me some embarrassment and ten minutes of my clients time this morning when I couldn't remember how to engage Clear Scan to cleanly shoot a computer screen (no I don't take the manual with me at all times).
More to the point, my memory is DIRE and unless I use a particular feature again and again I simply will not remember it. That doesn't make me a bad videographer I hope. That little card, tucked away in my portabrace, would be my friend.
Not wanting to pick a fight Jonathan, but I think you may have gone a bit overboard on Vishad's use of the word doohickey!
Jonathan Kirsch May 25th, 2007, 02:18 PM offense taken by your post. I know that you know the ins and outs enough to make an intelligent response. I've taken advice from ya a couple of times.
After thinking it over, maybe I used some harsh words, and maybe I was more incensed by the term "doohickey" than a cheat sheet, but I still believe there is a difference between amatuer and professional. As I mentioned before, I don't claim to be Supervideographer either. I only mentioned the snobby part as a sarcastic warning. I am not snobby by any means. I think I am in the same boat as you experience-wise. And maybe Vishad used "doohickey" to make the post more light-hearted...I don't know, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
But if he wasn't using it that way, it just illustrates the difference between amatuer and professional. Not experience-wise, but just how you present yourself. I guess e-mail/posts don't show emotion and I took the term out of context, maybe. I just don't believe that bagging on the manual and using words like "doohickey" don't get you anwhere. I'll admit I forget how to do some things, but think about it this way: You're on a shoot and you forget how to do something and your client says, "What's wrong?", and you say "Well, this doohickey is supposed to do something but I can't get into the menu to change this thingamajig so I can make the video look like whatever." Your client is going to say, "I hired this guy? Never again." It's about professionalism. You can know everything about anything, but if you don't present yourself that way, no one's going to take you seriously.
Whew...probably one of the longest, most (***shudder***) elitist posts I've ever written! I hate those. Sorry. Then again, maybe we need a bit of elitism to separate some of the trash we see circulating out there (and that's not directed at Vishad). It's the kind of competition that makes everyone strive to be better at what they do.
Ian Stark May 25th, 2007, 02:29 PM Cool Jonathan, thanks! Actually, I was being a bit lighthearted in mentioning it - I wasn't berating you for your post or suggesting you were being unreasonable! Honest guv (as we say over here, after the few beers I may or may not have already had).
Yeah, I think he meant it in a flippant, chatty way too. I do agree with you though - nothing gives us a bad name more than a man who buys a camera and is instantly a 'professional'. Don't think Vishad is one of those guys though.
And you think yours was a long post? Take a look at some of my major efforts! You want verbose? I do verbose.
Ian . . .
Jonathan Kirsch May 25th, 2007, 02:46 PM Ian...
Cheers back at ya!
Ian Stark May 25th, 2007, 02:46 PM Oh and I meant to add a comment about manuals.
I believe they are the way they are (dreadful, imho) because they are originally written by people for whom english is not their first language, typically Japanese or Korean etc, then they are translated by people who could care less about content, readability or style.
Personally, I loathe the manuals that are written in a flippant, childish way - if we are agreed that an amateur videographer pretending to be a pro is bad then don't get me started on amateur comedy writers trying to make me laugh!! They don't. I want to harm them. Pick up a copy of '303 Digital Filmmaking Solutions' to see what I mean. Great tips and ideas but written in such a way that I need a stiff drink before I can open the cover.
I think there is a happy medium between 'technically dry' and 'downright silly' and that's the third party reference book, like those from Focal or DV. These books are typically (although not always) written in a warm, readable style by someone who a) knows their subject, b) is passionate about it and c) has writing or journalistic experience.
Sadly, though, while the software world has waaaaaay more books than it needs (a whole aisle for Photoshop? C'mon!) there is a distinct shortage of hardware specific material.
Why is that, do you think?
Just take a look at the wealth of knowledge contained in this forum that is NOT found in the manual - now that MUST be enough to fill a book! And I bet the great majority of XL2 owners - especially those pro-am types - would rush to buy a copy.
Oh, if I had the time.
Ian . . .
Vishad Dewan May 25th, 2007, 07:06 PM It's terribly unfortunate some of you get all worked up about videography. And for those who presume I'm some sort of "amateur" because I asked about a quick start guide for the XL2 are gravely mistaken. Let me make that point very clear to all of you.
By the way, who are any of you to decide who "gets" to become a videographer and who doesn't? An art form is an art form. Just because you may not agree with someone else's methods doesn't mean they should be rejected or ridiculed.
I really did expect far more from this forum.
Next time just answer the question and stay away from labeling people you don't know.
Tim Bickford May 25th, 2007, 09:31 PM Vishad-
For what it's worth. I like the idea of a XL2 cheat sheet. I think it's a good suggestion.
Vishad Dewan May 25th, 2007, 09:37 PM Thanks, Tim. I appreciate that.
Not to step on anyone's toes or anything, but all this "protectiveness" about hobbies and professions is complete nonsense. I really like this forum because almost everyone here is friendly and helpful. But I think some people get carried away by their skills in videography. Just because they happen to know every single setting on their camera doesn't mean they have the right to ridicule those who haven't explored everything on their own camera.
So what if some people have three or four settings they like to stick to and never actually venture into the unknown? Hell, just by asking about a cheat sheet should be enough to show my interest in going beyond what I know, and others (actually, ALL users here on this forum) should embrace that as an achievement--not for themselves, but an achievement for videography itself.
Just a little something for all your thoughts, everyone.
Ian Stark May 26th, 2007, 12:50 AM Hi Vishad,
I really don't think anyone has suggested you are an amateur. A quick look at your website makes it clear that you aren't.
I think people may have perhaps assumed that you were asking about a 'make great pictures right out of the box without having to take time to learn this great new tool' kind of, er, doohickey. ;-)
I am pretty sure that isn't what you were asking for! If it WAS then I would agree with the other posters in this thread in that there is no quick way to learn this camera and certainly no quick way to develop the skills for making great video (regardless of camera model or functions - I built my client base, including many of the UK's leading high street retailers, using a modest Canon XM2).
But I stress again, I don't think that's what you were asking for!
Misunderstanding your question aside, I also don't think anyone here is ridiculing you or anyone else that hasn't mastered every feature of the XL2 (including me). In fact, I think protectiveness of ones hobby shows a great passion.
Protectiveness of ones profession is, on the other hand, essential for our survival, so I am all for it.
It really is the case that with the advent of this great technology (broadcast quality cameras, powerful editing systems on a laptop etc) the video industry is now swamped with people who spend a few grand on equipment and fifty bucks on business cards bearing the title 'Videographer', without investing the time needed to learn and master even basic skills. Those people turn in a mediocre product at best, charge too low, and change our customers perception of the value of hiring an experienced professional.
And that, I believe, is why some people who read your original question may be forgiven for thinking that you are one of those bandwagon jumpers who isn't prepared to put the effort in but is happy to take a slice of 'our' pie.
But like I said, we know that isn't the case!
So occasionally you might get a bit of a pompous answer to a question from someone who has learnt every trick and feature and workaround and wants to make sure you know it. Hey ho. As long as those people are here we get our questions answered. Let's not upset them and drive them away!
Nice weekend y'all.
Ian . . .
Jonathan Kirsch May 26th, 2007, 08:17 AM Vishad,
As I said in my previous post, I do apologize for using such harsh words. As Ian mentioned, there are a number of people who make a purchase, slap a title on a business card and lower the standard for those of us trying to make a living. That's why I disagreed with your methods and approach to solving a problem. Not necessarily because you needed a cheat sheet...but how you worded your request. I apologize that your post came into the crosshairs at the time. I am not assuming you are an amatuer who knows nothing and that you produce trash...I made that boldly clear two posts ago. Again, I apologize for my wording. And in my OP I stated I knew I was going to get some hate mail...which I did deserve.
That said, you replied that instead of labeling people, just answer the question. Well, I did answer your question in my OP, by giving you the link to the XL2 demo movie. Hopefully it helped.
Though while I feel a cheat sheet might come in handy, I still believe that nothing replaces research and studying and experimentation. Because nothing of quality comes easy.
Adam Drescher May 26th, 2007, 08:33 AM Ahhhhh!!! There has GOT to be an XL2 cheat sheet somewhere on the market, right?? The Canon DSLR's have cheat sheets, so why don't the prosumer camcorders? There's a company called Photobert that specializes in making these quick guides for digital cameras...does anyone know of a similar product for the XL2?
I've searched Google but to no avail. I would kiss your dirty shoes and wash your dog if you could please suggest a cheat sheet.
Hi, I am new to all this I mean I have been shooting video for 5yrs, But I am a new owner of the XL2. They are right go out and work with the camera but try this take notes write down every setting you try write down how the video looks with that setting. keep a log every time you use it, make your own cheat sheet. Also the canon preset manager is a great tool it is very useful.The XL2 is a amazing camera it can do everything you want it to do.
Oh here is a website buy this video it is great.
The Ultimate Guide To The Canon XL2 By Greg Salman
Vishad Dewan May 26th, 2007, 04:08 PM I'm sorry, everyone. I know I kinda blew my own gasket...and I know "gasket" is spelled incorrectly. But humor me.
I think we all just are very passionate about videography and photography and kind of like to keep it a club.
Again, I apologize for coming on too strong.
And I do agree with you, Jonathan, about experience. Nothing--no about of cheat sheets or manuals--will ever make up for hands-on experience on the field. And, yes, I DID consider Adam's suggestion about that DVD, and purchased it. I'm waiting impatiently to finally watch it and discover all the obvious tricks I missed.
Bill Zens May 28th, 2007, 10:23 PM Instead of a cheat sheet, I need a check off sheet...
Manual settings...ON
Auto/Manual Focus ... CHECK
Gain ... CHECK
Shutter Speed ... CHECK
White Balance ... Off Auto and Balanced, CHECK
Custom Preset ... Selected and CHECK
Tire Pressure ... CHECK
OIS On/Off ... CHECK
Fresh Batteries ... CHECK
(Just kidding about the tires...)
Ryan Mueller May 29th, 2007, 10:10 AM I think Bill has it pegged!