View Full Version : What am I watching? Madness! *Rant*
Marco Wagner May 23rd, 2007, 05:53 PM Nothing, I'm watching nothing these days. Why? ALL BS! Turn on the TV and all you get are reality shows (which are in no way real), useless documentaries on subjects that everyone still ignores, and re-makes! C'MON HOLLYWOOD be original for a couple! Rocky 5, 6, 7! Rambo 4! Indiana Jones 4! Pirates 3! Someone shoot me before I decay from boredom. What's next another Star Wars? Why don't we just re-make Gone With The Wind while we're at it!
I think Hollywood has finally run out of ideas to the point they are rehashing all the old stuff on a mandatory basis. Anyone for ET2? Or how about a new reality series on how people are driven insane by what the majority 8th grade educated viewers are being shoveled... WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!
Ok, I feel better, back to my library of real movies and shows.
Frank Granovski May 25th, 2007, 04:24 AM "C'MON HOLLYWOOD"
Why not watch CBC, BBC and PBS? :-)
Mike Peter Reed May 25th, 2007, 04:52 AM I agree that there's lot of poor content and an overload of rehashed franchises for no reason other than to make money rather than make movies (if you see what I mean).
I dipped my own toe into the full moviemaking process, and although it's not burned off, I did find that making a good movie is hard work and making a bad movie is hard work:
My next step (since with the above movie I have successfully alienated myself from industries from either end of the spectrum) is to get a co-op together and create my own industry. Make movies to make more movies .....
That's why you should rate my movie, please. It's market research for my next one.
That's my rant over.
Marco Wagner June 12th, 2007, 06:25 PM "C'MON HOLLYWOOD"
Why not watch CBC, BBC and PBS? :-)
Some of the channels I'm referring too, lol
Marco Wagner June 12th, 2007, 06:27 PM I agree that there's lot of poor content and an overload of rehashed franchises for no reason other than to make money rather than make movies (if you see what I mean).
I dipped my own toe into the full moviemaking process, and although it's not burned off, I did find that making a good movie is hard work and making a bad movie is hard work:
My next step (since with the above movie I have successfully alienated myself from industries from either end of the spectrum) is to get a co-op together and create my own industry. Make movies to make more movies .....
That's why you should rate my movie, please. It's market research for my next one.
That's my rant over.
I'll rate your movie. It is hard work, I agree there. I think I have alienated myself from most of society at this point. I think I'll make a movie about that.
Victor Kellar June 12th, 2007, 08:33 PM Discovery Channel, History Channel, Discovery Civilisation (here in Can), National Geo, TLC (which is starting to go downhill but still a few good shows), BBC, Turner Classic Movie ...
As for films, I share your rant. I can't stand all these sequels and remakes ... when they started to make movie versions of old TV shows, that was pretty much the end (ok, The Fugitive is an exception)
Every time, though, I begin to despair about movies, along comes something like Crash or The Lookout.
And, of course, we now have way more viewing opportunities (regular networks, cable TV, pay per view, the net, cell phones, podcasts ...) than we could ever have good content. Its like sports ... expansion kills good competition.
Even "independent" films are getting shakey ... it just seems they are too easy to make .. the digital video revolution just lets too many mules into the stall. The good mules used to kick through the stall, nowadays they seem to have slide under the barriers
So, I will watch my old B&W classics, peruse a good book, and keep my ear to the ground ...
Marco Wagner June 12th, 2007, 09:21 PM You know what we need is a good western, like the old ones, the Duke days.
Victor Kellar June 12th, 2007, 09:31 PM I wallowed in the recent 100year anniversary of the Duke's birth; everybody was showing his movies (including the above mentioned Turner Classic Movies and AMC ... which I hate cause of the commercials .. even if they are for themselves)
Rio Bravo, The Searchers, Stagecoach, The Shootist, Sands of Iwo Jima, Hatari and hell, if you want to get surreal, check out John Wayne as Clint Eastwood in McQ
Marco Wagner June 12th, 2007, 09:34 PM LOL I watched that too while in Florida a couple weeks back!!! I loved it, (same on the commercials, argh).
Boyd Ostroff June 13th, 2007, 04:15 AM I moved to a place out into the country a little over a year ago and I can't get cable here. I was planning to get a satellite dish but kept putting it off. After a few weeks I decided I would try going without for awhile, and wait until I missed TV. Funny thing... that still hasn't happened! In the meantime I have been expanding my DVD collection.
When I've gone out of town on trips I've watched TV in the hotel and ended up channel surfing and getting bored very quickly. It actually surprises me that I don't miss the broadcast/cable channels in the least. I suppose someday I'll get really bored and get a dish, but it's not something that even crosses my mind most of the time.
So if you're getting frustrated with what's on TV... just pull the plug and try going "cold turkey" for awhile, it might surprise you how much time you suddenly have for other things.
Marco Wagner June 13th, 2007, 09:01 AM Thanks for the advice. I've gone without since before the roadtrip back from Florida. It is quite nice, especially not being bombarded with commercials.