Alex Knappenberger
May 9th, 2003, 10:14 PM
Hey, I am just wondering if ALL LCD's are crappy in day/bright light?
I know my camera has a crappy LCD, ecspecially in daylight, and I knew that before I bought it, and i've honestly never really used any other in daylight, and am just wondering if they are all pretty bad in such conditions...?
Ken Tanaka
May 9th, 2003, 10:42 PM
Every built-in camera LCD screen I've seen is challenging to view in bright sunlight. My GL2's brightness is adjustable and is reasonably good outdoors. I normally try to use the viewfinder outdoors if possible. Petrol and Hoodman make small hoods that shade on-camera LCD's for better viewing.
Robert Knecht Schmidt
May 9th, 2003, 10:52 PM
The dynamic range of any display device is put to shame by the contrast ratio of sunlight:shade. Even a CRT monitor won't be useful in direct sunlight. Bring a good piece of dark cloth and some blackwrap to the set to shield your video monitor.
Alex Knappenberger
May 9th, 2003, 11:10 PM
Do them hoodman things really make that much of a difference? I'd be interested in one if so. I wouldn't have a problem with using the viewfinder on my camera, but since it's a low end Panasonic, the viewfinder is a crappy blackandwhite one, it's small too.
Chris Hurd
May 9th, 2003, 11:29 PM
Hoodman and Petrol LCD sun shades are worth their weight in gold. They're very inexpensive, there's no reason not to buy one, and it's the only solution for viewing an LCD screen in broad daylight. Get one now, if not sooner. Hope this helps,