Greg Schlueter
May 22nd, 2007, 07:32 AM
I'd appreciate any advice on V1U settings for a shoot of a large dance performance, where the light color, intensity, modulation (etc.) will be constantly changing. Final output will be SD, for individual (SD) DVD sale-- I'm inclined to shoot HDV 60i for maximal compatibility and to manage judder. Primary camera will be stationary from back, framing the full-stage - I plan on doing pan/scan in editing, relying upon additional HD resolution.
Where would you set white-balance?
Because of motion, keep sharpness to 3 or 4?
Any considerations?
Douglas Spotted Eagle
May 22nd, 2007, 10:21 AM
Set white balance as you normally would. Balance on white on the stage. if you can't, then balance to as neutral as possible; you'll likely end up warm anyway.
I'd increase sharpness in the event you're doing pan/scan in your NLE, which means you're cropping, resulting in a softer image overall. I can't give you a number without experimenting, but for one particular venue we shoot in, we keep sharpness at 6, if that helps. I'd do a test shoot if you can, and then pan/scan your test.
Your plan of shooting 60i is a good one, IMO.
Wendell Alvero
May 22nd, 2007, 11:11 AM
Hey Greg, I just shot a hip-hop dance competition where there were many color changes. It was my first gig with the V1U and I shot out of the box, the only thing I changed was exposure and gain settings. I'm in the process of converting a clip for internet viewing, I'll post it as soon as I can.
Wendell Alvero
May 22nd, 2007, 09:16 PM
Hey Greg, here is the clip I promised:
* it was encoded with Apple's H.264 codec so the quality might not be as good as the original, hope this helps!
Hugh Mobley
May 23rd, 2007, 04:56 PM
Could not get clip tp play at all
Wendell Alvero
May 24th, 2007, 02:56 PM
Hey Hugh, the clip was encoded using apple's h.264 codec, you need to have a codec to play it or just use apple's quicktime.