View Full Version : UWOL #3 "Passages" by Jeff Hendricks

Jeff Hendricks
May 22nd, 2007, 07:24 AM
Filmed in the Sierra Nevadas and the Carson Range near Lake Tahoe amongst the ghost trails of those who were custodian and steward of the land before "civilization" came through.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's film...the ones I have seen so far have been unbelievably, beautifully, filmed.

Thanks for your comments,


Jeff Hendricks
May 22nd, 2007, 08:03 AM page right click on "Passages" and save target as to view...


Bruce Ellingwood
May 22nd, 2007, 09:50 AM
Good job Jeff. I really liked the concept. Using the quotes from past naturalists and other historical figures set to the images of the Sierras worked for me.
Nice job.

Bruce Ellingwood

Mat Thompson
May 22nd, 2007, 10:11 AM
Hi Jeff

I second the nice concept statement, I found it quite spooky in parts. I really liked the idea, although maybe a few less quotes more well relevantly explored might have been better still. I loved the backpacker transition 'time warp' effect nice :)

Some great composition in your shots and equally nice cutting. Climber into chalky fingers springs to mind. I kind of get the feeling you struggled with the compression a bit, I'd like to see a higher quality version of some of your shots.

All in all a new type of film for uwol and a great one at that :) !

Jeff Hendricks
May 22nd, 2007, 02:47 PM
Thank you both for the kind words,

About the compression; I was in a rush to upload it before the deadline so I threw it online without much tweaking...I was trying to render, compress, and upload all while watching "24" and giving my wife a massage. Talk about multitasking...

So my intention is to upload the video at a higher rate to my own website so it will be a little easier on the eyes for those who want to watch it that way.


Geir Inge
May 22nd, 2007, 03:08 PM
I seccond most of the other comments.
Some great scenary and I liked your effects.
We're always told not to use effects on transitions, just plain cuts.
Well, I think it worked out just fine in your film.
The text could stay a little bit longer, I'm a slow reader :)
And maybe the voiceover was a bit too low?

Chris Barcellos
May 22nd, 2007, 09:35 PM
Struggle to make out voice over, did lose it for me a bit. Was like the sound was muffled from speaker talking into a coffee can.....Very nice video, with an interesting transition sequence transporting from scene to scene...

Trond Saetre
May 23rd, 2007, 02:27 AM
Very nice scenery you have there. Made me want to visit there myself.
Cool transitions too.

As Geir Inge mentioned, the text dissappeared too quick for me.
(Maybe because English isn't my first language?)

Good job!

Meryem Ersoz
May 23rd, 2007, 08:44 AM
welcome to the UWOL Challenge, jeff, i bet this is an awesome big-screen movie. i like the integration of people and landscape.

Ruth Happel
May 23rd, 2007, 09:42 AM
I liked the way you combined the historical message with the present day reality of people still enjoying the wilderness. But the opening of walking along a highway showed parts of what we have lost, too. The almost ghost-like whispering was a neat touch, as if hearing voices from the past. The way the film moved was very smooth and fun to watch, with transitions leading sometimes in an unexpected way. Great job.


Rob Evans
May 23rd, 2007, 10:59 AM
woah! Felt a bit like david lynch doing a tourism advert. Honestly, i think that's the

highest compliment i can pay :-) Really liked it, almost entrancing - you made complete use

of the camera, the participants and the environment, and made it feel like a dream.
Superb work.........

Catherine Russell
May 23rd, 2007, 01:15 PM
Very artistic. I watched with a sense of anticipation throughout. Great weaving in and out with text and whisper. Like it has been said, it put you in an uneasy dreamlike state which is not an easy thing to pull off. Compliments to the chef.


Gabriel Yeager
May 24th, 2007, 12:04 AM
Nice job Jeff! As Cat said, very artistic! I like that....

I enjoy the poetic style.. Its very cool. I would maybe like to see the audio levels a little bit higher in some spots maybe.... But other then that I think it was great! When I first heard about the the theme being "The Wild," I searched all around the web and read abit about the guy you quoted here a few times(I forgot his name already... lol!).

Cool stuff!
Keep up the good work!

Per Johan Naesje
May 24th, 2007, 12:06 AM
most have been said about your film. I liked it alot, fantastic scenery, nice edit. But the text stayed to short on screen and the whispering was difficult to pick up!
Keep it up, look forward to your next entrance

Jeff Hendricks
May 25th, 2007, 07:35 AM
Thank you for the comments.

I did have some intention in leaving the statements on for a short period in the fact that they were intended to fade in and out like the gosts of the past that created them.

I appologize if you could not read them, I just wanted you to get the gist of what they were saying.

I just want to say thank you all for the kind words. that is a HUGE compliment although somewhat undeserved, thank you (your words meant a lot to me) and I am glad you enjoyed the piece.

I want to say that it is an honor to be colleagues with you ladies and gentelmen...I am in awe of your abilities, artistic capabilities and vision.

Looking forward to more filmmaking with you all.

Thank you
