View Full Version : Premiere 6.5 Titling Problem: Looks "bad" during playback, not when still.

Ken Reeser
May 21st, 2007, 08:14 PM
I'm using Premiere 6.5 on a Mac mini, updates to (but not .9 because that caused dv capture to go out). I have created title images with Premiere's title maker, and they seem to look good in the title maker window, and even on the timeline when the edit line is at rest. But during play, both in preiere and in exported movies, the text is a mess! Some might say distorted, or pixelated, or that there's a resolution loss. I'd say that it looks like one field has shifted down and offset, resulting in a "blurry" text with jagged edges.

I've seen similar problems discussed, but no clues offered. Any ideas?

I've monkeyed with aspect ratios, tried adding a shadow, with no change.

(Upgrading to Premiere Pro is not an option.)


Jon Jaschob
May 21st, 2007, 08:41 PM
I was never able to get the titler to produce good looking text.
I see it's not just me, or if some one knows how to make text crisp, chime right in.

My solution is to make my titles and credits in Illustrator, import the ai file into Premiere and animate the file in the time line, perfect text every time. This might not be the info your looking for, but it works great for me.

Ervin Farkas
May 22nd, 2007, 06:30 AM
I am very surprised to hear about this problem - I have never experienced it. Is it because I'm on PremPro 1.5 (no experience with older versions)? Even in HD my titles look perfect.

Mark Williams
May 22nd, 2007, 07:44 AM

It may just be be the characteristics of your computer setup making it look that way. I also use 6.5 and the premiere titler but on a PC and the text does look "fuzzy when played back on the computer monitor but tack sharp on my attached television monitor. If you don't have and attached monitor then as an experiment try encoding a text clip for DVD at about 7500 CBR and play it back on a stand-a-lone DVD player and TV. If it looks ok then this might point you in the right direction. And/or encode the clip with Quicktime and "very high quality" settings. See if it looks sharp upon playback on your computer.

Hope this helps,


Ken Reeser
May 23rd, 2007, 05:04 PM
Okay, after exhaustive tests, I am certain the problem is with Premiere and not my monitor. I'm not surprised, though; generally I have experienced "What you see (in the preview windows) is what you get."

I have uploaded an image of the title problem, here:

I am 90% certain that this is a problem only for 6.5 Mac users, but at least I'm not the only one.

I'm now looking for a work-around. I don't know illustrator at all and have no idea how to follow the tip above (although I will stab at it). Is there any other way to create a title for use with Premiere using, say Photoshop?

Mikko Lopponen
May 28th, 2007, 08:04 AM
Well what are your field and interlacing settings??

R Geoff Baker
May 28th, 2007, 01:02 PM
I still use 6.5 as my editor, though I'm a Windows user not a Mac one ... and I use a Canopus (GrassValley) RexRT ... which is to say my experience may be specific to my setup, or maybe have relevance to others here:

Titles that are placed on the V1 track look awful -- 1A or 1B -- but titles placed on V2 or higher look terrific. Recently was poking through my archives, which includes projects produced in high-end $2,000/day 1" analog suites ... and the credit rolls look like crap compared to those that can come out of Premiere. But not on V1 -- those look awful, every time.



Jon Jaschob
May 29th, 2007, 12:28 AM
Open a new file in Ill.
Type in the text, or copy from other doc. (copy/paste).
If your using white type it helps if you put a black box in another layer below the text.
Format your text to your liking.
Center(align) the finished text in the workspace.
Change the document height to fit around the text.
I set the width to 1280 wide for HD footage, and 720 for DV.
Center(align) the finished text in the workspace.
Turn off the black box layer.
Save the file.
Import the ai file into Premiere.
Place in timeline.
Animate the text using the motion property.
Speed is regulated by length.
That's it. You can edit the text in Ill and it will update in Premiere.(in PPro2 it does). Mine plays smooth and the text is perfect. FX in the ai file work too.
You can do the same thing using Photoshop instead of Illustrator, I use both time to time.

PS if using V2 is the answer then I will look into that, I'm just used to using Ill. for all my titles and credits......

Earl Cagle
June 12th, 2007, 09:57 AM
Well what are your field and interlacing settings??

Premiere is NOT the problem. It is perfectly capable of turning out great titles. I think you should check these settings as this responder recommends. I've used Premiere on the Mac for years (am a Avid Media composer user professionally as well as FCP) and I've never had a problem with the titles in Premiere. If you have a problem (and sounds like you do) then you have something set wrong. The titler in Premiere is actually (I think) better than the one in FCP and the titles should look just fine when properly set up.

If you have your field dominance set to the wrong setting (such as 'upper field' in DV when that should be 'lower field') then your titles will look crappy.