View Full Version : Dv Capture in jvc gr-dvl520

Pablo Stalyn
May 9th, 2003, 09:49 AM
I have a jvc gr-dvl520U camcorder with a FireWire 1394 PCMCIA Card (IOPLEX KW-1002) and a laptop with win 2k in it.
The OS accept the card and everything seems to be right.
I connect my jvc with the ioflex firewire cable, turn the cam switch to play and nothing happens .

Could anybody tell me what is wrong ?
Do I need something special in order to have this configuration working ?

Thanks a lot


Rob Lohman
May 13th, 2003, 08:59 AM
Normally nothing happens if you turn your camera on (at least not
here on my windows 2000 professional system with an XL1s
connected). Fire up your editor and check if it sees your camera!

Pablo Stalyn
May 21st, 2003, 06:54 PM
The problem is solved.
I changed the 1394 pcmcia card. I bought a new one with NEC chip instead of TI chip.
Now everything is working.

The new card is a CB-FW1394 from ST Lab. I got it at ebay
