View Full Version : Jvc Deck

Joseph A. Benoit
May 19th, 2007, 12:03 PM
what do think?
I have 2 pro jvc decks i got a SR-VS30U and a SR_VS20U from my XL1S days,
and i still got the SONY HVR M10U still waiting to sell it,
the JVC'S work out fine for all my SD shoots.
What do you think of me just using a (DR-HD 100) for my HDV shoots then
just down load to VEGAS for edit. I love to get the BR-HD50U, but my wife will KILL ME.
she saids now how many decks do you need.
Other than get new wife, what your thoughts on this
Thank You

Bill Ravens
May 19th, 2007, 06:20 PM
I've pretty much made the same choice as you have. Tapeless HD110 with FS4HD storage. I am learning, however, that the Firestore is not that reliable.I've lost some clips, never the entire shoot. I would HATE to think of losing some really critical footage because I wasn't running tape.

Joseph A. Benoit
May 19th, 2007, 11:17 PM
Hello Bill:
Bill have you bought BR-hd50u because the Dr-hd100 not being dependable.
You know Bill i'm in between a rock and a hard place
i can shoot SD all day no problem . and i keep reading about nightmares with
BR-hd50 on this form.
hey the worst that can happen I'll own a DR-HD100 and down the road a BR-hd50.
I will never use my camera as deck
Thank You for your input
You have a great day