View Full Version : Difference between HC5 and HC7?

Alex Thames
May 19th, 2007, 12:25 AM
I've been reading the threads on this board about the HC5/7, but still confused what are the major (and minor) differences between these two cameras?

Would it be safe to say that hands down, that either camera has thoroughly replaced the HC3 or even the HC1?

Dave Blackhurst
May 19th, 2007, 02:12 AM
Hi Alex -
The 5 "relatively" replaces the 3 - same sensor, just lost the control wheel, and added xvcolor. Otherwise more or less similar, with lack on headphone and mic jacks IIRC.

The 7 has a different sensor, a tad larger, and more pixels, so should give higher rez than the 5. Adds the mic and headphone jacks, retains the control wheel like the 3 instead of the ring of the HC1.

I suspect the 5 won't be in the lineup for long, as the Canon HV20 isn't much more $$, and is a pretty strong contender. The HC7 is a stronger cam from what I've seen, and a step up from the HC3.

I own the HC1, HV20 and HC7, sold my HC3, didn't see the 5 as worth the bother...

I'd say the 7 definitely gets close to the HC1, better in some respects, just wish it had the ring... most everything else is "there", and I like the smaller form factor myself, so the 7 was a good upgrade to the 3 for me.


Alex Thames
May 19th, 2007, 02:45 AM
What is the control wheel?

I have the A1, so I do appreciate the focus ring on the HC1/A1, but is it hard to use a control wheel instead, whatever it is?

Dave Blackhurst
May 19th, 2007, 05:27 PM
Hi Alex -
the control wheel/multifunction button are on the left front of the lens barrel - the 3 had it, the 7 does, the 5 doesn't. I don't find it terribly useful for focus, instead I assign it to the exposure compensation that was the tiny lever and button on the HC1/A1... it's useful for that, but too fiddly for focusing - rather use the spot focus on the touchscreen or the HC1 if I need manual control.


Duane Burleson
May 19th, 2007, 11:32 PM

I'm looking for a HDV camera and keep coming back to the HC1 (or A1U). Can you give me the + and - of this camera compared to the HC7, since you have both, including image quality differences?

Thanks much,


Dave Blackhurst
May 20th, 2007, 12:42 AM
Hi Duane -
Both the HC1 and the HC7 are great cameras - the form factor is the primary difference, and the control ring...

I think the color on the 7 is a bit more true, but I haven't any complaints with the HC1 either.

I do think the image quality on the 7 is perhaps just a tad better, but again it's close.

I prefer the top load and the small size but sure wish the ring had come back with the 7... not sure how they could have done it in the small size...

The stills from the 7 are much better, so if you want a dual use cam, the 7 is a better choice.

Low light is comparable, with maybe a bit of an edge to the HC7 - the HV20 beats them both there, but any decent light and they all look great.

If I had to have ONE, I'd probably go with the 7 because it's an easy cam for family use, and I've got mine decked out so it will impress sufficiently to "look" pro, and the video is excellent. BUT the HC1 still looks more professional (and the A1 more so), and I'm comfortable shooting it as well - if I know I'll need manual focus, I'll grab the 1.
