View Full Version : An HD-250, TC3, a '67 Jaguar - and a winding mountain road

Jeffrey Butler
May 18th, 2007, 02:03 PM
Ok, I feel like this is the first time I shot something that moved, but I put it here for you all to see: my first crack at a (British) sports car.

It's not "Top Gear" - perhaps it's at least "Low Gear" !

Click here (

Carlos Rodriguez
May 18th, 2007, 02:50 PM
nice shots, dynamic looking. can't tell from the small res, but looks like the 250 handles fast motion pretty well?

Jeffrey Butler
May 18th, 2007, 05:37 PM
nice shots, dynamic looking. can't tell from the small res, but looks like the 250 handles fast motion pretty well?

Thanks, Carlos. There's a higher res 640x360 on there as well that (top right) will probably feel nicer. If there's interest, I can post an even higher one. But that was all 24p, and I was pretty happy with it. 60p would have some nice options, but I'm really liking 24p.

Carlos Rodriguez
May 19th, 2007, 12:05 AM
WOW, i was almost sure you mixed in some 60p footage in there. looks like you made a good decision getting this camera :-)

Jeffrey Butler
May 19th, 2007, 12:23 PM
WOW, i was almost sure you mixed in some 60p footage in there. looks like you made a good decision getting this camera :-)

I think this was the shoot that finally put my mind at ease about the camera. It's still really big for my upcoming trip to Vietnam - for that I would almost trade for an A1 JUST b/c of the size (for a few weeks!) - but even the in-car footage worked out with this big rig (though just).

I think the crispness of the image is retained, even though things seem to be moving fast, because the car is mostly in focus and generally in the center of the pan. Well, that's the theory. I can't say it's always in focus, or even always framed right, but a higher shutter/frame rate would bring the OTHER items in the scene into clarity - instead of just the car...I *think that's what's going on...the rest of the scene can be "soft" if the subject to be in focus actually is...I've got a lot to work on, but the 17x lens and 24p @ 1/48 is my friend.

Mark Silva
May 22nd, 2007, 10:02 AM
Thats a gorgeous early E-Type.

Is it yours?

Jeffrey Butler
May 26th, 2007, 09:18 PM
No, the fellow driving it owns it - and it IS for sale...

But a correction - it's a '62

Sean Adair
May 27th, 2007, 09:46 PM
No, the fellow driving it owns it - and it IS for sale...
But a correction - it's a '62

I thought so! The early years are much rarer in this country, but the lines are more flowing than the 12 cylinder XKE that came afterwards. Those are just a bit bulbous in comparision. I'd assume this is the 3.8liter straight 6, which was a great engine, and could be very highly tuned. Had a '63 MkII myself.

You did work in some nice selective blur. It was a great profile. It should be used to sell the car - yoohoo youtube!

Jeffrey Butler
May 28th, 2007, 04:46 PM
You did work in some nice selective blur.
Thanks. I enjoyed shooting it, though it's about as tough as I thought it was going to be. I've still got a lot of practicing to do - of course, if it's all this fun, then it won't be so bad!

Three shots had some post diffusion but all the depth was the 17x lens, if that's what you meant...