View Full Version : Transparent Video Overlays

David Hurdon
May 16th, 2007, 12:55 PM
Having figured out after more time than I wish to admit, how to float transparent video over an existing web page, I'm wondering if other forum members have found customers for this approach? All of the offers for it that I've seen have involved an annual contract, with the file hosted by the service and charges for number of views. This method can be easily hosted by the client with a set of files and a few code entries in the HTML. I have an example up at where it is the first video object to appear. I'm also looking to breath some life into the blog site I started about this and other web site video options. If you have a chance, and see something worth commenting on please do:
Thanks for any input, as always.

David Hurdon

Paul Cascio
May 16th, 2007, 05:35 PM
So how does one do this?

David Hurdon
May 17th, 2007, 07:13 AM
Paul, that's the question that occupied me from my first exposure to it last fall. It took me a solid month to get where I am now, once I had a sense of how to do it. From shooting the greenscreen clip to publishing the file set is something like a dozen steps, using three principal applications along the way. In my case, Ultra 2 executes the key and exports with an alpha channel. Wildpresenter Pro creates the FLV (with alpha channel) and Flash Pro 8 adds the ActionScript directions that a javascript file catches. Given the absence of Flash experience in my background this was the hard part. As is not unusual, getting there leaned on the kindness of strangers, in this case two Flash developers somewhere out there on the web.

David Hurdon