View Full Version : Panasonic Tapes

Shane Coburn
May 14th, 2007, 10:12 PM
The local store was out of Sony HDV tapes, so I bought the Pansonics. Nowhere on the packaging does it say what the tape is or is not compatible with, however, it does say that "HDV is a trademark of the Sony Corp." on the back. I know that some warn against using other branded tapes inside your DV camera (due to different lubrication), but have the new 63 min. HDV tapes transcended this restriction?

Bill Wilson
May 20th, 2007, 07:46 PM
From the way your post read I gather you have been using Sony tapes. The main problem you are likely to experience is the Panasonics may leave a buildup on the heads & tape guides in your cameras tape transport. The reason for this is Sony uses a wet lubricant on the tape & Panasonic & most other manufactrers use dry lubricant.

Mixing wet & dry lubed tapes usually results in clogged heads causing drop outs or banding of the recorded video. It is a good rule to stick to one brand of tape & never mix the two types. I had problems with some of the Panasonic tapes in my old Canon GL1; from what I have learned it was more than likely the weak clutch on the take up reel that was at fault. I have since switched from Canon to the Sony FX1. I also switched to Maxell tapes & have had no problems with them, after a fellow videographer recommended

This may sound like heresy but I do not buy into the theory that special HD tapes must be used. I use Maxells standard 63 minute tapes & the weddings &
other events I have shot with the FX1 look great; this is what many of the members of Professional Videographers of Central Fla. also use.

Why pay extra for HD tapes when a standard $2.65 tape will do the job equally well?

If you do experience head cloggs get a Panasonic head cleaning tape & follow the directions, on occasion you may need to make 2 passes with it.

Shane Coburn
May 21st, 2007, 09:50 PM
Bill -

Thanks for your feedback. Yeah, I have been using Sony HDV tapes. I ended up using the Panny's for a shoot, because I had no other choice. However, I'll try not to in the future. As for the cleaning, thanks for the advice there. It makes sense to use a Panasonic cleaner if I run into trouble.


Matthew Pennings
May 22nd, 2007, 07:49 AM

I've been using Maxell MiniDV 63 min tapes for the past year - and I love them. I can't seem to find a place that sells them in bulk. Where do you get yours, and do you get them in bulk?