View Full Version : And The Winner of DVC8....

Dylan Couper
May 14th, 2007, 08:12 AM
Well, it's been one interesting competition! I've quite enjoyed the various uses of televisions in your film, from dinners, to babies, to plates for bread, it's been unique, and one of my favorite themes so far.

And now it's all wrapped up. The votes are in. The winner is chosen. The super hot Sennheiser G2 Wireless system provided by our sponsor Guy Cochran at is sitting ready to go to a new home. Thanks Guy, we really appreciate you and backing us up since the beginning. It sure makes it more fun when there's something to battle for!

Thanks to Chris Hurd for being Chris Hurd and keeping this forum the best damn video forum on the internet. Thanks to Pete Bauer for the upcoming website update (guess I'd better email it to you Pete :)

And next, thanks to everyone who signed up, dropped out, and ended up on the Wall Of Shame. Have I got the competition for you... DVC9 is going to be your type of challenge!

And finally, thanks to everyone who submitted a film. In my mind, you are all winners. Of course, there can be only one... So...

Honorable Mentions
I usually post the names of the films that scored a significant amount of votes, even though they weren't in the top three. These are usually films that got 3 or 4 votes, regardless of the total points. While almost all films score at least a vote or two, getting four is significant enough to warrent a nod, so in no particular order, congrats to:
Sean McHenry "The Lottery"
Darryl Ahye "CONTROL"
Bryan Wilkat “Wolves”
Lorinda Norton "Techno Dad TechNO Mom"
Phillip Jackson "Zombie Killer 2 - Telezombies"
Brent Graham "The Green Pixels"

You guys did well, and could have been contenders.. could have been somebodies... Like these next guys!

Runners, as in plural, as in two. Why? Because there was a tie for 2nd place.

Congrats to:
Jeff Hendricks “Experience Vision"
Bill Gardner "The Remote = Control"

Nice work! Share your runner up duties generously, ok?
Jeff, good film, out of the box use of the theme, nicely done!
Bill, isn't that two 2nd places, a win and a 4th within the last 4 challenges? Wow!

And now...

What you've all been waiting for...


Hugh DiMauro "Fictional Reality"

Nicely done Hugh! You've been a regular here since the early days, and the hard work paid off. Great cinematography, interesting story (wanted more!) good actors. Two thumbs up, and the votes reflected it in a landslide win. Email me your address and I'll get to get your prize on the way!

And that ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap. Look for DVC 9 to happen mid-summer. I will be putting the *challenge* back in The DV Challenge.

Mike Horrigan
May 14th, 2007, 08:52 AM
Congratulations Hugh!

Great movie.

I really enjoyed it... pat yourself on the back!


Lorinda Norton
May 14th, 2007, 09:24 AM
CONGRATULATIONS, HUGH!!! This is no surprise to any of us—talk about a blockbuster movie.

I am sooooo happy for you! Hope you can go out with your cast and crew and have a great big celebration!!!! :)

Hugh DiMauro
May 14th, 2007, 01:49 PM
Special "Thank You" to Dylan for running a great challenge and much thanks to all who participated and took the time to watch and give feedback. This batch of movies has been impressive and entertaining. My cast and crew receive equal billing since, without them, no movie. Tonight, to show my appreciation, I am treating the cast to prime rib and cocktails. (Oh they'll earn their dinner when they get the next project)

Now my pet turtle can't eat for a week! :-(

Bryan Wilkat
May 14th, 2007, 02:27 PM
congrats hugh!!


...soo....when's dvc9??


Sean McHenry
May 14th, 2007, 04:07 PM
Dag nab-it. Got called out and couldn't vote this round. Sorry folks but the outcome is very similar to what I had written down as my top choices as well. I want to say again that I see the quality as constantly going up for everyone and for the new folks to the show, don't judge yourselves harshly if you didn't make it this round. Some of us have a lot of time in the saddle. Keep at it and keep making each one a learning experience. I'm old and will dye off. The next generation is coming up fast behind me and they are hungry (and carrying clubs) so I'll be happy to step out of the way soon enough.

We have a diverse cross section of folks on these boards. Some have a fine delicate and good natured touch, some of us lean to the darker realms of human nature and some are just plain funny as all get out. Whatever you do, strive to do it well each time.

Everyone wins that tries. There is only try! (Yoda was only a puppet folks). Well done all and my normal congrats to the winner(s)


Chris Barton
May 14th, 2007, 04:58 PM
Wow. Great job everyone. Not even an Honorable mention for mine. Its amazing to see videos of such quality and use of theme rated higher than mine. I guess thats part of the competition though. Thanks again for everyones nice comments and hope to do better in DVC9

Chris Barton

William Gardner
May 14th, 2007, 05:28 PM
Congrats to Hugh and to everyone else who entered!

PS: Sorry for my tardy congrats: I was in the hospital for sleep testing for the past 24 hours (nothing serious) and just got home.

Bradley L Marlow
May 14th, 2007, 06:04 PM
Couldn't have happened to a nicer fellow. Bravo to you and your great cast and crew. This was a well deserved win!

Jeff Hendricks
May 14th, 2007, 08:32 PM
Hugh...way to go dude.



Ruth Happel
May 14th, 2007, 08:34 PM
Great job on the film, I really enjoyed it. Maybe you can give your pet turtle some of the garnish from your prime rib?! Looking forward to your next effort, maybe realistic fiction? Congratulations on an excellent film.

Jamey Hastings
May 14th, 2007, 09:28 PM
Yes! Congrats Hugh! You earned it! Enjoy your new mic....but for now...enjoy the prime rib! :)

John Brickner Jr
May 14th, 2007, 10:31 PM
Congrats Hugh. Stellar film and I enjoyed it throughly. Films like yours inspire me even more to make a good film. Excellent work!!!!!

I said this in my feedback thread but I thought I can post this here as well. Also I also want to say thanks to Dylan for running such a fine contest. I learned alot in the two DVC's i've been in. It really is cheaper than film school ;).

Got alot more to learn. See you all in the next DVC!!! :)

Hugh DiMauro
May 15th, 2007, 05:38 AM
Thanks again to all who entered. This was fun and I look forward to being part of any future challenges.

Michael Fossenkemper
May 15th, 2007, 06:33 AM
Hugh, Congradulations!!!!!!! what a fantastic short. The opening scene was sweet.

I've been lurking on this round and there were some great great shorts. Congrates to everyone.

Anders Risvold
May 15th, 2007, 06:57 AM
I don't think it was a very big surprise you won this time. Pure 'ownage' as the kiddies say :)

Congrats with short well done.