View Full Version : Follow Focus Units for EF Lenses

Yeo Wee Han
May 12th, 2007, 01:48 AM
Hi everyone,

Just brought my fresh H1 for a nature shoot this morning. It was mounted with a Canon 180 macro and a Vocas MB-250 matte box with support rods. The head used is a Vinten Vision 6 and the tripod is a Gitzo 1410. Camera worked fine but there was many a time when I had to tilt up say from the hind-end of a dragonfly to it's head and I had to follow focus. It was definitely not smooth in much of the shots.

Thus I would like to ask whether a follow focus unit such as those by Vocas are compatible with Canon EF lenses? I believe having a follow focus unit will LESSEN the vibration that was seen in the footage as there is less contact with the lens?

Thank you very much for any advice in advance.



David W. Jones
May 13th, 2007, 09:23 AM
A rail mounted follow focus will work, but you will need to gear the lens.
A no cost option would be to change your iris to allow a wider depth of field.

Yeo Wee Han
May 13th, 2007, 05:08 PM
Thanks alot David. That is good to know. But may I know what you mean by gearing the lens? My experience with FF units are almost nil though I did use them almost a decade ago when I was in film school but not much at all.

