Nick Hope
May 10th, 2007, 10:49 PM
After 3 or 4 years of use the LCD flip out screen on our VX2000 has died.
Does anyone know if the LCD's themselves tend to die after this much use or is it more likely to just be the cable. I'm going to take it to Sony Service but I don't want them to replace the whole LCD if it's just the cable.
The symptoms were that there was interference (lines) at first but now it's got a black band top and bottom with a paler area in the middle (like it's letterboxed).
Tom Hardwick
May 14th, 2007, 02:33 AM
It does sound to me like an LCD failure rather than a ribbon cable fault. Sony had a lot of trouble with the ribbon cable feeding the v'finder of the old VX1000, and I'm quite sure they've solved that problem good 'n' proper.
Nick Hope
May 28th, 2007, 03:24 AM
Yes Tom, it came back from Sony and the LCD they've replaced is all corroded around the edges. I work on dive boats so it's a salty humid environment. But I do keep it in a Pelican case with a load of silica gel when it's not in use.
The repair equates to GBP 64 which I didn't think was too bad for a new LCD. They also cleaned the A/V outputs which were playing up.
I wonder what'll be next.
Tom Hardwick
May 28th, 2007, 04:03 AM
Sounds a pretty reasonable price for the job done. What'll happen next? Why, you'll sell it (not a moment too soon - while it's still working properly) and get the FX7. Salt and humidity are not your best friends.
Nick Hope
May 28th, 2007, 04:45 AM
I also have a Z1 Tom but my colleague uses the VX2000 in a dedicated underwater housing so we'll probably keep hammering it until something catastrophic happens. Still takes great video, and I like the "look" (colours mainly) of the video better than my Z1.
Tom Hardwick
May 28th, 2007, 06:24 AM
Yes, I knew about your Z1, but I thought the FX7 might just fit into the VX's housing.