View Full Version : FYI: Captue Magic

R. Phil Johnston
May 10th, 2007, 07:03 PM
Hi there,

Came across this bit of software..

"Multiple Camera Support

Capture footage from multiple cameras at the same time. This is great for interviews. Just imagine, you can have two cameras set up for close-up shots of the interviewer and interviewee, and a third camera for a wider shot that captures both people. And then with the click of a button in Capture Magic you are rolling."

have yet to try it... just wondering how to get 2 firewire ports on my Mac Book Pro.. can you get a firewire 800 to 400 converter? any other ideas?

would be great to hear feed back on how well it works with multi cameras.

cheers phil.

R. Phil Johnston
July 25th, 2007, 05:35 AM
Ive been trying this for a while now and its working well and very stable although.... i could never get 2 cameras to work using my firewire 400 & 800 on my 17" MBP (maybe because they are on the same bus?).

Today i received my pc card with 2 firewire ports on separate busses... I had a quick test and everything is working great!!!

there is and HD version but any tests i have had with it don't seem to be very successful.. but for DV its defiantly a decent solution.

I was using a XH-A1 & HV20 and a 17" MBP (firewire express card) with an external USB2 drive. <----new link (old one bustimicated)

Philip Fass
July 25th, 2007, 02:12 PM
Does it give you QT files?

R. Phil Johnston
July 26th, 2007, 07:59 AM
They are .dv files... they work in quicktime and final cut.. dont look great in quicktime for some reason but look fine in FCP and VLC?

The only weird thing is in FCP you have to render the audio? maybe its outputting a different bit rate or something...