View Full Version : My YouTube overview!

Mark Joseph
May 10th, 2007, 06:41 PM
My video overview of my new HV20

Was inspired to muck around doing my own vid around after viewing a HC7 YouTube review, so did my own last night, I'm hardly qualified as I only just got the cam but what the hell LOL!


Kevin Borein
May 10th, 2007, 09:21 PM
Hi, I loved the review and I am about 99% ready to order one this weekend. I noticed you said you played the files right onto the ps3..... Will the ps3 play m2t put onto an external drive or what did you do to view the files. I am very interested in displaying the videos on my ps3 and if I can do it without buying a blu-ray burner till they come down in price that will be great.


Joey Atilano
May 11th, 2007, 08:03 AM
I have an HC3 HDV cam and I put the video clpis on my pc then either burn them to a regular dvd data disk or put them on a usb drive and PS3 plays them flawlessly. The PS3 is awsome if you have an HDV cam. When people come over I scroll through my clips on the PS3 and show people my HD hove videos . Awesome.

Rikki Bruce
May 11th, 2007, 11:19 AM
Very nice!

Steve Royer
May 11th, 2007, 03:24 PM
Really nice review there, I specifically liked to "hear and see" someone pointing out the features. It was less generic than the video on Canon's site, and still easy to understand. Thanks Mark!

I really, really think it would be a huge benefit to the community if someone would make a video like this one, even more in depth. Cover every feature and area of this camera, showing examples of the footage and results alongside the screen display like Mark has done. It would be such a help to get this camera and its users off the ground. As an artist I always learn quicker with visuals than reading some manual.

Glenn Thomas
May 11th, 2007, 08:48 PM
Nice work Mark! you've pretty much covered everything. I read in the other post you got a great deal too. If you're after a manual lens ring, have you considered a 35mm adapter?

Mark Joseph
May 12th, 2007, 02:34 AM
Yeah Glenn, I'm v. interested in the 35mm adapters, but just playing around with one for fun I'm looking at the budget end. I have some nice Nikon glass to use, but can't justify the $1k+ adapter kits.
Just got on ebay this morning to get some access, wasn't going to worry about special HDV tapes, but found some that cost less than Sony Excellence:

got the cheapest miniSD card I could find (I only want to use the exposure display trick in video mode)

got one this cheapo batt & charger on order,

I want another 2,3 batts, unsure about all the claims and counter-claims made by generic batt resellers, thought they were all the same, but this reseller is convincing in his blurb:

Glenn Thomas
May 12th, 2007, 09:39 AM
Mark, that's not a bad deal for the tapes. I'm still using these Fuji tapes I picked up from a local Coles a while back. They're 80 minute (which probably aren't the best, but I haven't had any problems yet!), and they were selling boxes of 5 for $13.99. I bought a couple of boxes, and realised afterwards that they'd obviously priced them wrong and should have been charging $13.99 per tape. These days as soon as I shoot anything I capture it straight to the computer. Less wear and tear on the camera heads by not playing back the footage on the camera itself.

Those batteries on ebay apparently work with the HV20. I contacted that seller a couple of weeks back. He has a battery charger aswell and said two batteries and the charger would be about $70. Haven't got around to buying them yet though.

What's the exposure display trick you mentioned? Seems like a good deal for the Mini SD card. I'm yet to buy one of those either.

Matt Buys
May 12th, 2007, 12:59 PM
I think you probably just sold some HV20's. Canon ought to buy you a beer.

Mark Joseph
May 12th, 2007, 09:27 PM
Will the ps3 play m2t put onto an external drive or what did you do to view the files.

I transferred M2T files onto USB stick and played from there.

Peter J Alessandria
May 12th, 2007, 10:44 PM
Nice job Mark. Thank for posting the video.