View Full Version : A wedding clip, with P+S 35mm adapter in HD rez.

Oleg Kalyan
May 10th, 2007, 01:45 PM
Please take a look, let me know what you think, this is my first wedding, shot in part this way, I find it very cinema like..

Travis Cossel
May 10th, 2007, 02:08 PM
The Quicktime movie doesn't appear to be loading for me. Anyone getting it to work?

Oleg Kalyan
May 10th, 2007, 02:10 PM
It may be because of the server, it't in Moscow, Russia, we sometimes have problems here. Please try it later.
Already John Benton from NY saw it.

Patrick Moreau
May 10th, 2007, 02:45 PM
I waited five minutes for it to load and start playing before giving up. You may want to upload to something like you sendit if you looking for more feedback and what many people to be able to view it.

Oleg Kalyan
May 10th, 2007, 03:03 PM
Sorry everyone, I will find out tomorrow at my service provider, what is going on. Maybe it's because you download it from overseas. It loads fast here, in Moscow.
Anyone knows of free server, where I could upload file?
Regards, Oleg.

Eric Gan
May 10th, 2007, 03:15 PM
The file is 63megs and I don't think you enabled fast-start, so your viewers won't be able to see the download progress. I left it loading for quite some time and was able to view the sample.

Oleg, I commend your bravery in bringing a 35mm adapter into play for a wedding. I've often thought about it, but I'm turned off by the amount of extra gear that I would have to lug around. The "run-and-gun" nature of wedding videography makes using an adapter quite a challenge!

The depth of field looks great, and it looks like you managed to do fairly well in the focus department as well. I would perhaps add some more contrast or do some film-look color correction to further enhance the effect. I'm not sure if it was your intention, but the footage looks a little bit washed out to me.

Did you have any trouble with lighting? Did you place her by the window in order to compensate for the 3-stops or so of light loss? ;) In any case, great job and good to see people pushing the envelope in wedding films.

Michael Y Wong
May 10th, 2007, 07:44 PM

free downloads for files up to 100 megs.

Eric I'd assume the washed out ness may be due to the adapter... also; WHATS UP man!!! How is the business coming along?!

Looking forward to checking out the clip.

edit: saw the clip! you are brave, XLH1 + 35mm adapter for weddings! I'd die if I had to do that.

Great work! but I would add more variety in the type of shots + some more creative camera movement.

Oleg Kalyan
May 11th, 2007, 12:04 AM
Thank you Eric and Michael, for your comments. It was my first wedding that I took a risk to use 35mm gear, I also had my partner shooting with regular Canon A1. Most of the shots that I intened turned out great, I had no lighting at all here and the intention was to shoot in front and against the window to get more airy feel, I agree it looks kind of low contrast, I left it to keep incredible skin tone, same shots done with A1 give too much contrast, looks like video right away. Some commercials, and music videos shot that way here in Russia example,

Oleg Kalyan
May 11th, 2007, 12:12 AM
Just to add, I will definetly have some fill in lighting next time, shooting against the window. Light loss is about 2 stops. Great thing about 35mm, somehow it provides more latitude, forgiveness, than regular lens!

Yow Siang
May 11th, 2007, 04:04 AM
try you upload your file up to 100mb, the site will convert it to a compressed format however viewers will have an option to click and download the original file.

Yow Siang
May 11th, 2007, 04:08 AM
Thanks for sharing and am very curious to ask you.. since you are using a 35mm converter on a Wedding Day, Would there be enough time for you to focus the lens as everything is happen rather quick and fast on that day... furthermore will the camera lcd tell accurately the sharpness?


Please take a look, let me know what you think, this is my first wedding, shot in part this way, I find it very cinema like..

Oleg Kalyan
May 11th, 2007, 06:23 AM
Working with 35mm adapter is very challenging and I'd only suggest if you have another camera shooting same subject matter. It need some time to set up the shot, I had enough time to do it that time, yet, during shooting ceremony I had to switch to regular lens.
Regards, Oleg.

Eric Gan
May 11th, 2007, 06:03 PM
C'mon...I wanna see someone shoot the bride walking down the aisle with a 135mm lens! If you mess up the focus, call for take 2 :)

Oleg, that music video looks great. Were you the DP?

Michael, I've been slacking a bit the last couple of months. Haven't shot much, but I've been acquiring a few more pieces of gear. Getting ready for the next 4 months, which will be a real test of how efficient I can edit these weddings.

A bit off-topic, but here's a commercial I shot with my FX1 and M2. It was for a photography company that I've worked with a few times on shoots.

Michael Y Wong
May 11th, 2007, 06:13 PM
Getting ready for the next 4 months, which will be a real test of how efficient I can edit these weddings.

You can say that again my friend, my summer will be destroyed by the amount of work i have up ahead.

Not a bad commericial!

Oleg Kalyan
May 11th, 2007, 09:44 PM
I am uploanding reencoded clip with Fast start function. THank you for pointing that for me.
Eric, your commercial looks great, good acting, I assume thise were actors,
not real people. Yes, I was a DP, that is I had another camera operator, Serge shooting with A1 all day.

Oleg Kalyan
May 12th, 2007, 07:52 AM
Uploaded same clip with Fast start function.

Drew Curran
May 14th, 2007, 09:33 AM
since you are using a 35mm converter on a Wedding Day, Would there be enough time for you to focus the lens as everything is happen rather quick and fast on that day...

We HD100 users have to focus manually as do many wedding shooters using big ENG cameras.

I'd thought of using my brevis 35mm adaptor and now I've seen some footage I might give it a try for external wedding footage.

Thanks for posting this.
