Brian McKay
May 10th, 2007, 12:56 PM
Some of you may find this interesting.
A couple of days ago some local guys were out hunting and noticed what they thought to be a group of people out on the ice seal hunting. However when they looked with binoculars they discovered that it was a pack of about twenty wolves. To there surprise the wolves were hunting seals. This is basically unheard of seals are just not a normal part of the wolf diet. To make it even more interesting the wolves where using a very similar method to that used by the local people. The process being that one hunter with a harpoon will stand over one breathing hole while others walk around any other holes in the vicinity. This forces the seal to come up for air at the hole where the hunter is standing. In the case of the wolves they had stationed two or three at one hole with there jaws ready while the others ran around near the other holes. According to the hunters it was obvious that the wolves had been successful there faces were covered in seal oil.
Oh to come across that with your camera.
A couple of days ago some local guys were out hunting and noticed what they thought to be a group of people out on the ice seal hunting. However when they looked with binoculars they discovered that it was a pack of about twenty wolves. To there surprise the wolves were hunting seals. This is basically unheard of seals are just not a normal part of the wolf diet. To make it even more interesting the wolves where using a very similar method to that used by the local people. The process being that one hunter with a harpoon will stand over one breathing hole while others walk around any other holes in the vicinity. This forces the seal to come up for air at the hole where the hunter is standing. In the case of the wolves they had stationed two or three at one hole with there jaws ready while the others ran around near the other holes. According to the hunters it was obvious that the wolves had been successful there faces were covered in seal oil.
Oh to come across that with your camera.