Dave Beaty
May 10th, 2007, 05:26 AM
For the 2nd time, one of our HD250's has a loose handle. The first time, the camera was only a few weeks old and we replaced it. This time the handle flexes a good 2 mm right and left. It just has gotten progressively worse with time.
I was looking at the way the handle connects to the body and I see two tiny screws in the front, but nothing in the back.
Seems like a problem with the screws backing out and need some lock tight on them in the factory or something.
BUT, it seems like a common problem and I hate the idea of having to send the camera to Atlanta to have them tighten a screw!
Dave Beaty
Marc Jayson
May 11th, 2007, 02:00 PM
Same problem here, I didn't go back to my dealer yet.
Randy Durham
May 21st, 2007, 11:39 PM
I noticed the same thing today. I'm not sure how to tighten it but I can't believe those two tiny screws out front do it.
Tim Dashwood
May 22nd, 2007, 08:38 AM
Send it to service. There are some internal screws that need to be tightened.
Steve Oakley
May 22nd, 2007, 09:54 PM
you can remove the right side of the camera body and gain access to the 2 screws which hold it together. to do this, you have to remove the shoulder rest and about 5 or 6 smalls screws to get the side off, then you'll see the two handle screws you need to tighten.
Steve Oakley
Tim Dashwood
May 22nd, 2007, 11:15 PM
you can remove the right side of the camera body and gain access to the 2 screws which hold it together. to do this, you have to remove the shoulder rest and about 5 or 6 smalls screws to get the side off, then you'll see the two handle screws you need to tighten.
Steve Oakley
...and let's note that this will most definitely void your warranty!
Randy Durham
June 3rd, 2007, 02:23 PM
I have this same problem. The camera has only been used on four shoots and the handle is pretty loose. I purchased it from EVSonline.com and they gave me the support phone number to call but I've been unable to get thru the voice mail system so far. I love this camera but the thought that I have to send a new camera back for factory service after only four shoots concerns me. I just sent an email to tech support so maybe I can make contact with someone that can tell me how/where to send it in for repair. I hope they will use tightlock or something on the screws to avoid this happening again. Any insight on how to get tech support response would be most appreciated.