Heath McKnight
May 9th, 2007, 05:11 PM
I am considering buying a Redrock Micro (www.redrockmicro.com) to work with a V1u for filmmaking. Which product or bundle should I get? Keep in mind, when I was checking out their info page for cameras (http://www.redrockmicro.com/camera_recommendations.html), it said the V1u doesn't need much else past the HD bundle. Also, I'm going with Nikon lenses.
1. M2 HD Bundle with the proper add-ons (http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.472981/it.A/id.152/.f?sc=2&category=9)?
2. HD Complete Package with proper add-ons (http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.472981/it.A/id.248/.f)
3. HD Cinematographer's Complete Package with proper add-ons (http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.472981/it.A/id.249/.f)
4. Buy a la carte?
1. M2 HD Bundle with the proper add-ons (http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.472981/it.A/id.152/.f?sc=2&category=9)?
2. HD Complete Package with proper add-ons (http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.472981/it.A/id.248/.f)
3. HD Cinematographer's Complete Package with proper add-ons (http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.472981/it.A/id.249/.f)
4. Buy a la carte?