View Full Version : 24p HDV back to tape

Hal Snook
May 9th, 2007, 11:14 AM
As I sit here watching FCP sloooowly conform my video to Print to Video, I'm wondering, does FCP apply a pulldown to get it to play back in a 60i stream? Or should I have reapplied the pulldown myself before using this function?

If it does some sort of smudgy frame-blending, I'll smack it.

Peter J Alessandria
May 9th, 2007, 01:03 PM
Hal - I don't think FCP (or any other major video editing software program) actually removes pulldown on 24p from the HV20 due to lack of flags. AFAIK, we're all editing 60i video unless we use one of the work arounds mentioned elsewhere.

Hal Snook
May 9th, 2007, 08:17 PM
Actually, you misread my post. I wasn't trying to get FCP to remove pulldown, I was trying to Print to Video (record back to tape) from a 24p timeline. I was wondering whether FCP would *add* pulldown when attempting to play back 24p in a 60i stream.

I never got to find out, because I got an "out of memory" error. I'll try some more later tonight, or maybe use JES to add the pulldown.

EDIT: This question is going over like a lead balloon, so let me simplify it: Can anyone recommend a workflow for getting 24p material back to tape? Obviously, this is not for archival purposes, but at the moment I really have no other way to show off my HD edits to friends and family, than to print it back to MiniDV.

Thomas Smet
May 10th, 2007, 05:05 AM
Since the HV20 supports playback of 24F footage I wonder if you could output from FCP as Canon 24F to the camera? Then you wouldn't have to deal with pulldown and if you ever did need to recapture the footage you wouldn't have to deal with removing the pulldown anymore.

Hal Snook
May 10th, 2007, 09:32 AM
I was hoping that was the case, but in my experiments the HV20 ignored the HDV24p stream.

What I ended up doing is adding the pulldown with trusty JES Deinterlacer (hey look, it interlaces too!). Unfortunately, JES had problems creating an HDV file, so I output to AIC (which is built in to the latest version). Then I created a new AIC 29.97 sequence in FCP and hit Print to Video. FCP transcoded to HDV, and I was able to play it back to tape.

Of course, the version on tape is now a 4th generation copy, so obviously this is not ideal. But, it got my work on tape to show my family in CA this weekend. And I compared some frames; the drop in quality is minute.

It's a good thing I love playing around with video, because working with 24p HDV is quite the intricate little hobby.

Robert Ducon
May 10th, 2007, 01:35 PM
Never considered this... this is somewhat important for those using the HV20 as a deck with a XL-H1, etc work flow.