Bob Benkosky
May 6th, 2003, 06:25 PM
Price aside, which camcorder rules the roost?
View Full Version : GL2 compared to the VX2000 Sony. Bob Benkosky May 6th, 2003, 06:25 PM Price aside, which camcorder rules the roost? Boyd Ostroff May 6th, 2003, 08:52 PM Jeez, that's almost like asking which flavor of ice cream is better... chocolate or vanilla! Two years ago I picked the VX-2000 over the GL-1. Not entirely scientific I suppose, but I liked the larger CCD's and better low light performance. And I've always been happy with Sony products, yet had no personal experience with Canon. I haven't regretted it, but very well may have been just as happy with the GL-1. The GL-2 is certainly a fine camera in its own right. Actually I really wanted a PD-150 but there were none to be had back then and I needed a camera. But to further complicate things you might also want to look at the PDX-10. It has smaller chips but does really good 16:9 with its high resolution CCD's. It also has many of the 'pro' features of the PD-150 like XLR inputs, phantom power, detachable mike, DVCAM recording, settable time code and high res black and white viewfinder. Cost should be similar to the VX-2000. The ergonomics are very different since it's a smaller camera and doesn't have a top handle like the VX-2000 or GL-2. Worth a look however (I bought one to supplement the vx-2000 for 16:9 and love it). Read through the PDX-10 forum here for more info. Brendan Getchel May 6th, 2003, 09:24 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Bob Benkosky : Price aside, which camcorder rules the roost? -->>> Neither. No such thing. Both are so competitive against one another that calling one an absolute, clear winner is simply not possible. I own both. I find the GL2 superior for my type of shooting -- outdoors, landscape, nature, architecture, etc. The long lens is critical for me quite often and the VX2000 just couldn't deliver. Audio is also better on the GL2 as well. Low light is clearly superior with the VX2000 and the VX is heavier and a little more substantial because of its metal encasement. The GL2 feel cheaper and is encased in plastic. The "L" Flourite lens on the GL2 is clearly better than the VX lens when high contrast introduces aberrations of one sort or another. The VX has a zoom ring that I miss sorely on the GL. The GL has handy duplicate shooting controls on the top handle, the VX does not. The VX has quicker, quieter (better?) tape loading. The GL is a noisy, mechanized monstrosity. See? They're both so good, so competitive, that it comes down to personal preference and/or brand loyalty. Having shot with the VX2000 for about two years and recently adding the GL2, I now use the GL2 almost exclusively, but that is because it is better suited to MY type of shooting and I find the image superior by a nose. Frank Granovski May 7th, 2003, 12:04 AM Depending on how much low lux you want to squeeze out of a cam, this might be the deciding factor. I find the GL2 much more friendly to hold. The VX is more of a tripod cam. Yes, the GL2 has better audio and a nicer lens. Canon color is really nice too. But with bigger CCDs, the image might look cleaner. If I had to choose between the 2, I'd take in a deep breath, breathe out, then slap my money down for a GL2. If I needed that extra bit of LUX, the VX2000 would be the no brainer. (The VX went for quite a bit more money a few years ago. It's almost a steal now.) If lower LUX isn't a concern, than also consider the Sony PDX10 and Pana PV-DV953. Ron Little May 7th, 2003, 09:14 AM Bob, I have worked with both cams VX2000 and GL2. I worked with an independent film maker on a feature length made for video release production about two years ago. He used the vx2000 with all natural light. The video is being released this month at Hollywood video nationwide it is a vampire movie called "This Darkness.” The director wanted to make a dark film that is why he did not add light. The VX2000 handled the natural light very well. But the audio was terrible. It took a lot of work in post to make it work. That is why I chose the Gl2 the audio on this camera is great I use a Sennheiser wireless 500 series mic and I love the sound. I have just bought new dvx100 to use as my A roll cam and I hope I won’t regret not buying another GL2. Miles Blow May 11th, 2003, 06:58 PM Hi Guy's dont forget that sony has deliberatly not added the clear scan function to any of the prosumer camcorders! The first camera in there pro range is the dsr300 that features clearscan(very expensive). The reason we love clearscan is its ability to completly remove flicker when doing super8 and 16mm transfers at 18 and 24 fps(telecine). Our xm2 does it perfectly(like all pal cameras with cleatscan). Ive heard that this isnt the case with ntsc but it would be cool to know if any one is able to telecine on the gl2. Andre De Clercq May 13th, 2003, 02:23 PM Though not generally known and not mentioned in the manual, there is a workaround with the VX2K (and most cams with an aperture priority mode) to get a perfect clearscan operation. You can find info in module 3 here William Wallick May 14th, 2003, 11:55 PM Andre: What is that? An advertisement? WW Andre De Clercq May 15th, 2003, 01:25 AM William, what makes you think so? Advertisement for what? Frank Granovski May 15th, 2003, 01:58 AM William, The BBC is short for, British Broadcasting Corporation. Their site has a lot of useful information plus free courses. They even developed an audio fix for the VX2000, some time back. William Wallick May 15th, 2003, 09:32 AM What does it mean to "book a course?" I thought you had to buy it. Sorry if that is wrong. I couldn't figure out how to get to module 3. No rollover links. Any tips? Thank you, Bill Andre De Clercq May 15th, 2003, 09:45 AM Just click "start module 3" button. Doesn't work for you? William Wallick May 15th, 2003, 10:27 AM I didn't recognize the click on "Module 3" link because my cursor didn't change shape, indicating a link. I clicked on it and it worked (the link that is) but it opened a new white page in my browser, but nothing ever loaded. I then tried it with IE and it worked!!! I normally use Netscape 7.02. Thanks a lot and my apologies to Andre. Bill Samuel Chen May 15th, 2003, 03:24 PM I completely agree with all the comparisions and it does come down to application, though I do wonder which one is more durable. I have heard that the vx2000 is a little more durable in the sense of audio jacks as they take more abuse than the gl2, though I am not sure. What do you guys think? Sam Frank Granovski May 15th, 2003, 04:38 PM I have heard that the vx2000 is a little more durable in the sense of audio jacks as they take more abuse than the gl2. I think one should always be careful with jacks from any cam. The GL2's jacks looked fine to me. Miles Blow May 18th, 2003, 09:58 PM Hi Andre(sorry I took so long to reply)but back to the clearscan issue Yes I checked out that link you posted and you can adjust a computer monitor even if it does require fiddling with the screen and camera! You can use that technique on the xm2 aswell but clear scan rocks because the camera remembers what setting you had for the particular device you are useing. So aperature is not effected by clearscan. So on top of our cine projectors we have writen what clearscan setting the projector is for the xm2. (at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 25fps )So we punch that in and we can transfer film with a moments notice. Not to mention the 8x extra zoom that the xm2 has over the vx2000 to zoom ito the film for extra grungy grain shots for filmclips ect. Thanks MIles |