Richard Grebby
May 7th, 2007, 06:41 PM
Im making the move over to Avid (if I can get the thing to work)
I want to arrange the windows on my two monitors but for some reason they just snap right back to the middle of my left sided monitor. Its getting very frustrating.
Also I cant see my capture window.
Can anyone help?
Vito DeFilippo
May 7th, 2007, 07:19 PM
Not sure what you mean. When you drag the window to the other monitor, it jumps back as soon as you let go of the mouse button? Or when you restart the program, your windows don't remember their last position?
Jeff Cerar
May 7th, 2007, 07:22 PM
Once you have your windows set the way you want them go to Toolset>Save Current. Do that for each Toolset. Then each time you open a project your windows will appear correctly.
Richard Grebby
May 8th, 2007, 03:40 AM
it snaps back right away, it seems dependant on the place I put the timeline.
For example, I move the timeline from the left screen to the bottom egde of the right screen and it snaps right back to the middle of the left screen.
If I want to put it back at the bottom of the left screen in its original place I have to reset the interface or it just keeps snapping back.
Richard Grebby
May 8th, 2007, 04:14 AM
Ok, I think im getting to grips with the problem.
My monitor setup seems to be the problem.
I have two monitors, a main 19" which sets in the center right in front of me.
The second monitor is a littlw 15" widescreen one that is on my left. There isnt a lot of scope for moving the monitors around because my desk is built this way.
I changed the windows config for the monitors so that the second monitor is on the right side. This means that the menus are now on the main larger 19" montor. By doing this it seems to solve the problem.
Is there any way to choose which is the main monitor in avid, left or right?