View Full Version : blue effect | over exposure?

Andy Lunn
May 7th, 2007, 11:24 AM
Having done some more experimenting, i have found that when i set exposure for say a tree and pan up towards the sky, some of the branches have a strange blue cast around some of the finer twigs. Am i over exposing? is this what is casusing this effect? I noticed it again when i shot inside an apartment and panned past a window.

When you are out and about and shooting, how do you judge the correct fstop? I never know whether I am under/over exposing, is this something that comes with experience? or is a light meter advisable?

And lastly, I am shooting in manual mode, with -3 gain and the white balance set to outdoors, i am still noticing a slight shift in exposure when i move from light to dark areas, is there another setting in the menu I have could of missed?

Greg Boston
May 7th, 2007, 11:37 AM
That blue fringing you see is many times attributed to CCD overload. It has manifested itself on many different cameras at many different levels. You have to be cognizant of those situations that produce this effect and try to work around them.


Steven Dempsey
May 7th, 2007, 02:15 PM
There are two ways to deal with this problem.

1. Set your exposure to auto and pan up to the tree and sky very slowly so that the change of exposure is subtle.
2. Shoot in manual and do an iris ramp (this is what I usually do). Basically, as you pan up towards the sky, you close the iris down slowly.

Neither option is ideal but you have to work within the limits of your tools and the dynamic range of video is quite limited.

Andy Lunn
May 7th, 2007, 02:23 PM
Hi Steven good to see you here as well xlcinema. Thanks for the advise, i did find the sky burnt out, I know now why this happens and what to look for, thanks guys.